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I had a dream about Lottery California Dreams Interpretation Online - Understand My Dreams

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I had a dream about Lottery California

What is the meaning of I had a dream about Lottery California In a dream

What does it means I had a dream about Lottery California In a dream ? - Dream meaning


Risk. Chance. Hopping for good fortune and large benefit at a little cost. To dream of a lottery, and that you are taking great interest in the drawing, you will engage in some worthless enterprise, which will cause you to make an unpropitious journey. If you hold the lucky number, you will gain in a speculation which will perplex and give you much anxiety. To see others winning in a lottery, denotes convivialities and amusements, bringing many friends together. If you lose in a lottery, you will be the victim of designing persons. Gloomy depressions in your affairs will result. For a young woman to dream of a lottery in any way, denotes that her careless way of doing things will bring her disappointment, and a husband who will not be altogether reliable or constant. To dream of a lottery, denotes you will have unfavorable friendships in business. Your love affairs will produce temporary pleasure.

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