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On Tue i had a dream....... you told me to watch out cuz there was a snake in the apt....... later i seen the snake in one of the bedroom's i tried to hit it with something but it was running away. So i hurried and grabbed it with my hands and it turned at looked at me and hissed and then my hands started burning..... i dropped it and looked at my hand and it was red and starting to blister i then looked at the snake and it looked like it was getting the shape of a humans face a gave me that know it all smile...... i then got some plastic and tried catching it and the plastic melted so i kept doing it over and over and over covering it with plastic all that time it was trying to slither away and i hot a more dense plastic the ones you can't see through and it was taking longer for that to melt and the snakes head turned and looked at me and got the form of a humans face and started laughing at me..... the whole time i was struggling to get the snake the wind was blowing with rain and i could see the red curtains almost flying with the wind.... when the snake make its transformation and began laughing i grabbed it and through it out the window as it fell it turned into a little person...... it was very wet out the ground was saturated with water and when i turned to my left there was a large puddle of water and in that water i seen gold fish and black fish with a hint of white these fish were flat..... they were swimming and glistening in the sun.... as the rain began to settle and just sprinkle the fish started jumping out and in the water........ and i woke up just after Carla asked me "do you like my shoes"

What is the meaning of On Tue i had a dream....... you In a dream

What does it means On Tue i had a dream....... you In a dream ? - Dream meaning


Consuming energy. Fiery release. Being passionate towards something. Consuming energy. Fiery release. Being passionate towards something.

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To dream about fish or fishing denotes energy and economy. A fish in clear water expresses freedom related with your feelings. To dream that you see fish in clear-water streams, denotes that you will be favored by the rich and powerful. Dead fish, signifies the loss of wealth and power through some dire calamity. For a young woman to dream of seeing fish, portends that she will have a handsome and talented lover. To dream of catching a catfish, denotes that you will be embarrassed by evil designs of enemies, but your luck and presence of mind will tide you safely over the trouble. To wade in water, catching fish, denotes that you will possess wealth acquired by your own ability and enterprise. To dream of fishing, denotes energy and economy; but if you do not succeed in catching any, your efforts to obtain honors and wealth will be futile. Eating fish, denotes warm and lasting attachments.

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A snake ready to strike means treachery from one you least expected; killing it means victory over enemies. Snakes in a dream have been described as the Kundalini, or creative force. Think about what you are doing in the dream with the snake, and think of it as your relationship with your creativity. If that interpretation doesn't resonate with you, think about what snakes represent to you. Based on what you think of a snake, think about how that aspect of yourself has presented itself in your recent awake life. Snakes in a dream have been described as the Kundalini, or creative force. Think about what you are doing in the dream with the snake, and think of it as your relationship with your creativity. If that interpretation doesn't resonate with you, think about what snakes represent to you. Based on what you think of a snake, think about how that aspect of yourself has presented itself in your recent awake life.

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Identity. Ego. Self-image. This dream denotes displeasure with yourself and warnings of someone working secretly against you. Dreaming of your face represents your willingness to deal with problems in your personal life. It signifies your true persona versus the one you choose to show. Dreaming of your face represents your willingness to deal with problems in your personal life. It signifies your true persona versus the one you choose to show. This dream is favorable if you see happy and bright faces, but significant of trouble if they are disfigured, ugly, or frowning on you. To a young person, an ugly face foretells lovers' quarrels; or for a lover to see the face of his sweetheart looking old, denotes separation and the breaking up of happy associations. To see a strange and weird-looking face, denotes that enemies and misfortunes surround you. To dream of seeing your own face, denotes unhappiness; and to the married, threats of divorce will be made. To see your face in a mirror, denotes displeasure with yourself for not being able to carry out plans for self-advancement. You will also lose the esteem of friends.

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Capacity and competence. Expect big work ahead, meanwhile must take better care of own affairs. The hand can represent your relationship to those around you and how you connect with the world. Hands serve as a form of communication. The left symbolizes graciousness and feminine, receptive qualities, while the right hand symbolizes masculine, active attributes. Hands can also represent power and creativity; the gesture of your hand(s) would signify an expression the dream is trying to express. If you have a dirty hand, or bloody hands, it could signify guilt and the need to make up for something, to "clean" or do a responsibility. If you dream that you are holding hands with someone, represents your connection with that person. Your dream may also reflect anxieties about losing touch with him/her or that you are drifting apart. To dream that you have unusually large hands, denotes much success in achieving your goals. The hand can represent your relationship to those around you and how you connect with the world. Hands serve as a form of communication. The left symbolizes graciousness and feminine, receptive qualities, while the right hand symbolizes masculine, active attributes. Hands can also represent power and creativity; the gesture of your hand(s) would signify an expression the dream is trying to express. If you have a dirty hand, or bloody hands, it could signify guilt and the need to make up for something, to "clean" or do a responsibility. If you dream that you are holding hands with someone, represents your connection with that person. Your dream may also reflect anxieties about losing touch with him/her or that you are drifting apart. To dream that you have unusually large hands, denotes much success in achieving your goals. If you see beautiful hands in your dream, you will enjoy great distinction, and rise rapidly in your calling; but ugly and malformed hands point to disappointments and poverty. To see blood on them, denotes estrangement and unjust censure from members of your family. If you have an injured hand, some person will succeed to what you are striving most to obtain. To see a detached hand, indicates a solitary life, that is, people will fail to understand your views and feelings. To burn your hands, you will overreach the bounds of reason in your struggles for wealth and fame, and lose thereby. To see your hands covered with hair, denotes that you will not become a solid and leading factor in your circle. To see your hands enlarged, denotes a quick advancement in your affairs. To see them smaller, the reverse is predicted. To see your hands soiled, denotes that you will be envious and unjust to others. To wash your hands, you will participate in some joyous festivity. For a woman to admire her own hands, is proof that she will win and hold the sincere regard of the man she prizes above all others. To admire the hands of others, she will be subjected to the whims of a jealous man. To have a man hold her hands, she will be enticed into illicit engagements. If she lets others kiss her hands, she will have gossips busy with her reputation. To handle fire without burning her hands, she will rise to high rank and commanding positions. To dream that your hands are tied, denotes that you will be involved in difficulties. In loosening them, you will force others to submit to your dictations. See Fingers.

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Black signifies isolation and transition period. It shows up conflicts and friction with relations and friends. Black is the unconscious mind, or the death of the old, like the death of an idea or end of a job, etc. Black is the unconscious mind, or the death of the old, like the death of an idea or end of a job, etc.

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This is an indication of great passion and sensitivity in your emotional relationships. passion in romantic relationships. Passion, vigor, power, sexuality. Possibly shame. passion in romantic relationships. Passion, vigor, power, sexuality. Possibly shame.

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People feel they can rely on you. You have an abundance of energy and vitality. Signifies an oncoming death, or the protection of a living being. Signifies an oncoming death, or the protection of a living being.

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Combination of control and freedom. Power. Success in all enterprises. Flying represents freedom and often signifies a sense of control. Flying with dark colored wings can signify a sense of loss or failure. Flying with difficulty may represent feelings of struggle in your awake life. Feelings of fear while flying, or worrying that you are flying too high, may signify that you are in over your head in your awake life. Flying can also symbolize escape. to dream that you are flying signifies a sense of freedom where you had initially felt restricted and limited. Flying represents freedom and often signifies a sense of control. Flying with dark colored wings can signify a sense of loss or failure. Flying with difficulty may represent feelings of struggle in your awake life. Feelings of fear while flying, or worrying that you are flying too high, may signify that you are in over your head in your awake life. Flying can also symbolize escape. to dream that you are flying signifies a sense of freedom where you had initially felt restricted and limited. To dream of flying high through a space, denotes marital calamities. To fly low, almost to the ground, indicates sickness and uneasy states from which the dreamer will recover. To fly over muddy water, warns you to keep close with your private affairs, as enemies are watching to enthrall you. To fly over broken places, signifies ill luck and gloomy surroundings. If you notice green trees and vegetation below you in flying, you will suffer temporary embarrassment, but will have a flood of prosperity upon you. To dream of seeing the sun while flying, signifies useless worries, as your affairs will succeed despite your fears of evil. To dream of flying through the firmament passing the moon and other planets; foretells famine, wars, and troubles of all kinds. To dream that you fly with black wings, portends bitter disappointments. To fall while flying, signifies your downfall. If you wake while falling, you will succeed in reinstating yourself. For a young man to dream that he is flying with white wings above green foliage, foretells advancement in business, and he will also be successful in love. If he dreams this often it is a sign of increasing prosperity and the fulfilment of desires. If the trees appear barren or dead, there will be obstacles to combat in obtaining desires. He will get along, but his work will bring small results. For a woman to dream of flying from one city to another, and alighting on church spires, foretells she will have much to contend against in the way of false persuasions and declarations of love. She will be threatened with a disastrous season of ill health, and the death of some one near to her may follow. For a young woman to dream that she is shot at while flying, denotes enemies will endeavor to restrain her advancement into higher spheres of usefulness and prosperity.

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Splendor. Treasure. Ultimate value .Approaching money. High honors. If you handle gold in your dream, you will be unusually successful in all enterprises. For a woman to dream that she receives presents of gold, either money or ornaments, she will marry a wealthy but mercenary man. To find gold, indicates that your superior abilities will place you easily ahead in the race for honors and wealth. If you lose gold, you will miss the grandest opportunity of your life through negligence. To dream of finding a gold vein, denotes that some uneasy honor will be thrust upon you. If you dream that you contemplate working a gold mine, you will endeavor to usurp the rights of others, and should beware of domestic scandals.

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Relaxation. Volatility. Need for spontaneity. To dream that you laugh and feel cheerful, means success in your undertakings, and bright companions socially. Laughing immoderately at some weird object, denotes disappointment and lack of harmony in your surroundings. To hear the happy laughter of children, means joy and health to the dreamer. To laugh at the discomfiture of others, denotes that you will wilfully injure your friends to gratify your own selfish desires. To hear mocking laughter, denotes illness and disappointing affairs.

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Release. Feelings are pouring down on you. To be out in a clear shower of rain, denotes that pleasure will be enjoyed with the zest of youth, and prosperity will come to you. If the rain descends from murky clouds, you will feel alarmed over the graveness of your undertakings. To see and hear rain approaching, and you escape being wet, you will succeed in your plans, and your designs will mature rapidly. To be sitting in the house and see through the window a downpour of rain, denotes that you will possess fortune, and passionate love will be requited. To hear the patter of rain on the roof, denotes a realization of domestic bliss and joy. Fortune will come in a small way. To dream that your house is leaking during a rain, if the water is clear, foretells that illicit pleasure will come to you rather unexpectedly; but if filthy or muddy, you may expect the reverse, and also exposure. To find yourself regretting some duty unperformed while listening to the rain, denotes that you will seek pleasure at the expense of another's sense of propriety and justice. To see it rain on others, foretells that you will exclude friends from your confidence. For a young woman to dream of getting her clothes wet and soiled while out in a rain, denotes that she will entertain some person indiscreetly, and will suffer the suspicions of friends for the unwise yielding to foolish enjoyments. To see it raining on farm stock, foretells disappointment in business, and unpleasantness in social circles. Stormy rains are always unfortunate.

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No restraint. Freedom. Distance. There is something that you want to escape from. To dream of running in company with others, is a sign that you will participate in some festivity, and you will find that your affairs are growing towards fortune. If you stumble or fall, you will lose property and reputation. Running alone, indicates that you will outstrip your friends in the race for wealth, and you will occupy a higher place in social life. If you run from danger, you will be threatened with losses, and you will despair of adjusting matters agreeably. To see others thus running, you will be oppressed by the threatened downfall of friends. To see stock running, warns you to be careful in making new trades or undertaking new tasks.

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Life. Energy. Continuity. You are producing something worthy. To dream of seeing a clear, shining sunrise, foretells joyous events and prosperity, which give delightful promises. To see the sun at noontide, denotes the maturity of ambitions and signals unbounded satisfaction. To see the sunset, is prognostic of joys and wealth passing their zenith, and warns you to care for your interests with renewed vigilance. A sun shining through clouds, denotes that troubles and difficulties are losing hold on you, and prosperity is nearing you. If the sun appears weird, or in an eclipse, there will be stormy and dangerous times, but these will eventually pass, leaving your business and domestic affairs in better forms than before.

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Movement through water of feelings contained by cultural constructs. You are in an emotional state. To dream of swimming, is an augury of success if you find no discomfort in the act. If you feel yourself going down, much dissatisfaction will present itself to you. For a young woman to dream that she is swimming with a girl friend who is an artist in swimming, foretells that she will be loved for her charming disposition, and her little love affairs will be condoned by her friends. To swim under water, foretells struggles and anxieties. See Diving and Bathing

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Irreversible. Continuity. Arrival or departure of feelings. Organizing your inner self.

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Time. Limitation. Ready to discover what emotional field surrounds you. To dream of a watch, denotes you will be prosperous in well-directed speculations. To look at the time of one, your efforts will be defeated by rivalry. To break one, there will be distress and loss menacing you. To drop the crystal of one, foretells carelessness, or unpleasant companionship. For a woman to lose one, signifies domestic disturbances will produce unhappiness. To imagine you steal one, you will have a violent enemy who will attack your reputation. To make a present of one, denotes you will suffer your interest to decline in the pursuance of undignified recreations.

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Cleansing. Life. Emotions. Ask yourself about your current feelings. Water symbolizes your inner being and harmony. It can also represent the unconscious or non-conscious (eg, the spiritual). Rough water will represent the fact that you are in turmoil while serene, calm water will represent that you are at peace. Muddy or dirty water will mean that you need to clarify your thoughts, purify your expressions, look for the true meaning and path you are pursuing. Running water may simply mean that you need to urinate, but it can also represent the process of evaluating your own thoughts, motives and outlook on life. Water also represents your emotional state. The condition, speed, color, clarity and force of the water reflects your emotional health regarding whatever you are dreaming about. Raining in a dream often mimics crying in real life, either tears of joy or of sorrow. Snow can be demonstrative of cold feelings/cold attitude/iciness towards something or someone, or even towards yourself. Cloudy or murky water can show emotional confusion. Water symbolizes your inner being and harmony. It can also represent the unconscious or non-conscious (eg, the spiritual). Rough water will represent the fact that you are in turmoil while serene, calm water will represent that you are at peace. Muddy or dirty water will mean that you need to clarify your thoughts, purify your expressions, look for the true meaning and path you are pursuing. Running water may simply mean that you need to urinate, but it can also represent the process of evaluating your own thoughts, motives and outlook on life. Water also represents your emotional state. The condition, speed, color, clarity and force of the water reflects your emotional health regarding whatever you are dreaming about. Raining in a dream often mimics crying in real life, either tears of joy or of sorrow. Snow can be demonstrative of cold feelings/cold attitude/iciness towards something or someone, or even towards yourself. Cloudy or murky water can show emotional confusion. To dream of clear water, foretells that you will joyfully realize prosperity and pleasure. If the water is muddy, you will be in danger and gloom will occupy Pleasure's seat. If you see it rise up in your house, denotes that you will struggle to resist evil, but unless you see it subside, you will succumb to dangerous influences. If you find yourself baling it out, but with feet growing wet, foreshadows trouble, sickness, and misery will work you a hard task, but you will forestall them by your watchfulness. The same may be applied to muddy water rising in vessels. To fall into muddy water, is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes, and will suffer poignant grief therefrom. To drink muddy water, portends sickness, but drinking it clear and refreshing brings favorable consummation of fair hopes. To sport with water, denotes a sudden awakening to love and passion. To have it sprayed on your head, denotes that your passionate awakening to love will meet reciprocal consummation. The following dream and its allegorical occurrence in actual life is related by a young woman student of dreams: "Without knowing how, I was (in my dream) on a boat, I waded through clear blue water to a wharfboat, which I found to be snow white, but rough and splintry. The next evening I had a delightful male caller, but he remained beyond the time prescribed by mothers and I was severely censured for it.'' The blue water and fairy white boat were the disappointing prospects in the symbol.

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Sensory overload. Stimulation. You are feeling overwhelmed and tired. To dream of the wind blowing softly and sadly upon you, signifies that great fortune will come to you through bereavement. If you hear the wind soughing, denotes that you will wander in estrangement from one whose life is empty without you. To walk briskly against a brisk wind, foretells that you will courageously resist temptation and pursue fortune with a determination not easily put aside. For the wind to blow you along against your wishes, portends failure in business undertakings and disappointments in love. If the wind blows you in the direction you wish to go you will find unexpected and helpful allies, or that you have natural advantages over a rival or competitor.

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Opening. Opportunity. Feelings of being watched.Need for privacy. To see windows in your dreams, is an augury of fateful culmination to bright hopes. You will see your fairest wish go down in despair. Fruitless endeavors will be your portion. To see closed windows is a representation of desertion. If they are broken, you will be hounded by miserable suspicions of disloyalty from those you love. To sit in a window, denotes that you will be the victim of folly. To enter a house through a window, denotes that you will be found out while using dishonorable means to consummate a seemingly honorable purpose. To escape by one, indicates that you will fall into a trouble whose toils will hold you unmercifully close. To look through a window when passing and strange objects appear, foretells that you will fail in your chosen avocation and lose the respect for which you risked health and contentment.

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To dream of curtains, foretells that unwelcome visitors will cause you worry and unhappiness. Soiled or torn curtains seen in a dream means disgraceful quarrels and reproaches.

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To see anything ill formed, denotes disappointment. To have a beautiful form, denotes favorable conditions to health and business.

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If you dream of jumping over any object, you will succeed in every endeavor; but if you jump and fall back, disagreeable affairs will render life almost intolerable. To jump down from a wall, denotes reckless speculations and disappointment in love.

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To find yourself stepping into puddles of clear water in a dream, denotes a vexation, but some redeeming good in the future. If the water be muddy, unpleasantness will go a few rounds with you. To wet your feet by stepping into puddles, foretells that your pleasure will work you harm afterwards.

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For a woman to dream that a dead snake is biting her, foretells she will suffer from malice of a pretended friend. To dream of snakes, is a foreboding of evil in its various forms and stages. To see them wriggling and falling over others, foretells struggles with fortune and remorse. To kill them, you will feel that you have used every opportunity of advancing your own interests, or respecting that of others. You will enjoy victory over enemies. To walk over them, you will live in constant fear of sickness, and selfish persons will seek to usurp your place in your companion's life. If they bite you, you will succumb to evil influences, and enemies will injure your business. To dream that a common spotted snake approaches you from green herbs, and you quickly step aside as it passes you, and after you had forgotten the incident to again see it approaching and growing in dimensions as it nears you, finally taking on the form of an enormous serpent; if you then, after frantic efforts, succeed in escaping its attack, and altogether lose sight of it, it foretells that you will soon imagine you are being disobeyed and slighted, and things will go on from bad to worse. Sickness, uneasiness and unkindness will increase to frightful proportions in your mind; but they will adjust themselves to a normal basis, and by the putting aside of imaginary trouble, and masterfully shouldering duties, you will be contented and repaid. To dream that a snake coils itself around you and darts its tongue out at you, is a sign that you will be placed in a position where you will be powerless in the hands of enemies, and you will be attacked with sickness. To handle them, you will use strategy to aid in overthrowing opposition. To see hairs turn into snakes, foretells that seeming insignificant incidents will make distressing cares for you. If snakes turn into unnatural shapes, you will have troubles which will be dispelled if treated with indifference, calmness and will power. To see or step on snakes while wading or bathing, denotes that there will be trouble where unalloyed pleasure was anticipated. To see them bite others, foretells that some friend will be injured and criticised by you. To see little snakes, denotes you will entertain persons with friendly hospitality who will secretly defame you and work to overthrow your growing prospects. To see children playing with them, is a sign that you will be nonplussed to distinguish your friends from your enemies. For a woman to think a child places one on the back of her head, and she hears the snake's hisses, foretells that she will be persuaded to yield up some possession seemingly for her good, but she will find out later that she has been inveigled into an intrigue in which enemies will tantalize her. To see snakes raising up their heads in a path just behind your friend, denotes that you will discover a conspiracy which has been formed to injure your friend and also yourself. To think your friend has them under control, denotes that some powerful agency will be employed in your favor to ward off evil influences. For a woman to hypnotize a snake, denotes your rights will be assailed, but you will be protected by law and influential friends. See Serpents and Reptiles

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To dream of struggling, foretells that you will encounter serious difficulties, but if you gain the victory in your struggle, you will also surmount present obstacles.

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To dream that you are wet, denotes that a possible pleasure may involve you in loss and disease. You are warned to avoid the blandishments of seemingly well-meaning people. For a young woman to dream that she is soaking wet, portends that she will be disgracefully implicated in some affair with a married man.

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dreaming on hands holding you means the dream is real and will fulfill itself. dreaming on hands with coins means you have done something wrong and you want to be good again.

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To see the same person again and again in your dream is a sign that someone from the world after is trying to get in contact with you and trying to tell you something. You must try to understand and follow his directions.

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woke up

When you wake up you actually see the life as they are, you are no longer closed in your concept. To wake up from the dream, you are really accepting and knowing who you are. We are all familiar with the situation called "dream". We sleep, we are in a kind of unconsciousness, disconnected from the reality around us. However, while we are "in" within the dream, we feel it as a real reality, and experience a great many emotions, thoughts and situations. When morning comes and we wake up we "sober up" and realize that everything that happened in the dream was not real, while the reality in our waking state is real. Similarly, a person who attains spiritual attainment feels that the world and physical reality were not real. The Kabbalists express this feeling in the words "we were like dreamers." In so doing they want to illustrate to us that the real reality into which man "awakens" after acquiring the spiritual senses, is the only one that exists while the physical reality in which we seem to live today, is but a temporary dream from which we are all to awaken.

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