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There's a man going around killing children and staging it as a suicide. Each suicide (murder) includes their head being chopped off. In my dream, my family and I are walking down the stairs in some unknown location, and we come across a man whose skin is translucent and his head is filled with liquid. My brother said to him sarcastically, "Is it you who is killing everyone's children?" He replied, "Yes," but played if off as a joke, but then, he became serious and said, "I'm actually going to kill you," and proceeded to attempt to decapitate my brother. I asked my parents if they would intervene, and they said they couldn't, so I then attacked the man and stabbed him in his carotid artery and he became angry because it wasn't a full decapitation, only a painful stab. He then began to attack my brother and I once more before I woke up.

What is the meaning of There's a man going around killing children In a dream

What does it means There's a man going around killing children In a dream ? - Dream meaning


To dream that you attack someone, indicates that your ill-mood and temper may cause harm to another. You are releasing some pent-up frustration and anger. You feel that you have been wronged. Such feelings may be easier and safer for you to express in your dream. To dream that you are being attacked by someone, signifies questions on your character and the need for you to defend yourself. You are feeling stressed, vulnerable and helpless. You may also be faced with difficult changes in your waking life. To dream that you are being attacked by an animal, is a warning to be careful with those around you. Take notice of who you know in your waking like that shares and exhibits the same qualities of the animal that attacked you in your dream. To dream that you kill an attacking animal, signifies that your life will be saved by a stranger. To dream that you attack someone, indicates that your ill-mood and temper may cause harm to another. You are releasing some pent-up frustration and anger. You feel that you have been wronged. Such feelings may be easier and safer for you to express in your dream. To dream that you are being attacked by someone, signifies questions on your character and the need for you to defend yourself. You are feeling stressed, vulnerable and helpless. You may also be faced with difficult changes in your waking life. To dream that you are being attacked by an animal, is a warning to be careful with those around you. Take notice of who you know in your waking like that shares and exhibits the same qualities of the animal that attacked you in your dream. To dream that you kill an attacking animal, signifies that your life will be saved by a stranger.

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Fellowship. Expect quarrels. Masculine aspect of self. Fellowship. Expect quarrels. Masculine aspect of self.

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"Dream of children sweet and fair, To you will come suave debonair, Fortune robed in shining dress, Bearing wealth and happiness.'' To dream of seeing many beautiful children is portentous of great prosperity and blessings. For a mother to dream of seeing her child sick from slight cause, she may see it enjoying robust health, but trifles of another nature may harass her. To see children working or studying, denotes peaceful times and general prosperity. To dream of seeing your child desperately ill or dead, you have much to fear, for its welfare is sadly threatened. To dream of your dead child, denotes worry and disappointment in the near future. To dream of seeing disappointed children, denotes trouble from enemies, and anxious forebodings from underhanded work of seemingly friendly people. To romp and play with children, denotes that all your speculating and love enterprises will prevail.

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Kin. Group. Prosperous times ahead. To dream of one's family as harmonious and happy, is significant of health and easy circumstances; but if there is sickness or contentions, it forebodes gloom and disappointment.

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To dream of killing a defenseless man, prognosticates sorrow and failure in affairs. If you kill one in defense, or kill a ferocious beast, it denotes victory and a rise in position.

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To dream of a man, if handsome, well formed and supple, denotes that you will enjoy life vastly and come into rich possessions. If he is misshapen and sour-visaged, you will meet disappointments and many perplexities will involve you. For a woman to dream of a handsome man, she is likely to have distinction offered her. If he is ugly, she will experience trouble through some one whom she considers a friend.

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Violent end.Loss of control over a situation.Sorrow and failure. If you yourself commit murder in your dream it symbolises dishonourable situations that will tarnish your repretation. You may also have repressed hostile feelings or aggression at yourself or others. To witness murder in your dreams, it is a warning of approaching sorrow due to the action of others. To dream that you are murdered, describes rivals conspiring to ruin you. If you yourself commit murder in your dream it symbolises dishonourable situations that will tarnish your repretation. You may also have repressed hostile feelings or aggression at yourself or others. To witness murder in your dreams, it is a warning of approaching sorrow due to the action of others. To dream that you are murdered, describes rivals conspiring to ruin you. To see murder committed in your dreams, foretells much sorrow arising from the misdeeds of others. Affair will assume dulness. Violent deaths will come under your notice. If you commit murder, it signifies that you are engaging in some dishonorable adventure, which will leave a stigma upon your name. To dream that you are murdered, foretells that enemies are secretly working to overthrow you. See Killing

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To see your parents looking cheerful while dreaming, denotes harmony and pleasant associates. If they appear to you after they are dead, it is a warning of approaching trouble, and you should be particular of your dealings. To see them while they are living, and they seem to be in your home and happy, denotes pleasant changes for you. To a young woman, this usually brings marriage and prosperity. If pale and attired in black, grave disappointments will harass you. To dream of seeing your parents looking robust and contented, denotes you are under fortunate environments; your business and love interests will flourish. If they appear indisposed or sad, you will find life's favors passing you by without recognition. See Father and Mother

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This dream is related with sensitivity. Keep calm and think carefully before you make any major decisions.

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Up or down. Aspirations .Looking to get to certain point against all opposition. Going up and down a staircase can represent a rise or fall in economic or social status and the general efforts that are required to accomplish life's small and large goals. Climbing may represent an achievement of your ambitions and a movement in a positive direction. Descending may symbolize your doubts or a period following hard work and achievement of a significant goal. Generally, dreaming of ascending a stairway connotes movement in a positive direction while descending is indicative of a down period or negative flow of ideas or actions. See also: Climbing It is also defined by some dream dictionaries as a link between levels of consciousness. If you are climbing the stairs, you are ascending into a higher level of consciousness, if you are descending, then you are going into a lower level of consciousness. Going up and down a staircase can represent a rise or fall in economic or social status and the general efforts that are required to accomplish life's small and large goals. Climbing may represent an achievement of your ambitions and a movement in a positive direction. Descending may symbolize your doubts or a period following hard work and achievement of a significant goal. Generally, dreaming of ascending a stairway connotes movement in a positive direction while descending is indicative of a down period or negative flow of ideas or actions. See also: Climbing It is also defined by some dream dictionaries as a link between levels of consciousness. If you are climbing the stairs, you are ascending into a higher level of consciousness, if you are descending, then you are going into a lower level of consciousness. To dream of passing up a stairs, foretells good fortune and much happiness. If you fall down stairs, you will be the object of hatred and envy. To walk down, you will be unlucky in your affairs, and your lovemaking will be unfavorable. To see broad, handsome stairs, foretells approaching riches and honors. To see others going down stairs, denotes that unpleasant conditions will take the place of pleasure. To sit on stair steps, denotes a gradual rise in fortune and delight.

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End. Self-destruction. A need to let some things go. To commit suicide in a dream, foretells that misfortune will hang heavily over you. To see or hear others committing this deed, foretells that the failure of others will affect your interests. For a young woman to dream that her lover commits suicide, her disappointment by the faithlessness of her lover is accentuated.

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To dream of meeting unknown persons, foretells change for good, or bad as the person is good looking, or ugly, or deformed. To feel that you are unknown, denotes that strange things will cast a shadow of ill luck over you. See Mystery.

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Freedom. Movement. Ask yourself where do you want to go. To dream of walking through rough brier, entangled paths, denotes that you will be much distressed over your business complications, and disagreeable misunderstandings will produce coldness and indifference. To walk in pleasant places, you will be the possessor of fortune and favor. To walk in the night brings misadventure, and unavailing struggle for contentment. For a young woman to find herself walking rapidly in her dreams, denotes that she will inherit some property, and will possess a much desired object. See Wading

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woke up

When you wake up you actually see the life as they are, you are no longer closed in your concept. To wake up from the dream, you are really accepting and knowing who you are. We are all familiar with the situation called "dream". We sleep, we are in a kind of unconsciousness, disconnected from the reality around us. However, while we are "in" within the dream, we feel it as a real reality, and experience a great many emotions, thoughts and situations. When morning comes and we wake up we "sober up" and realize that everything that happened in the dream was not real, while the reality in our waking state is real. Similarly, a person who attains spiritual attainment feels that the world and physical reality were not real. The Kabbalists express this feeling in the words "we were like dreamers." In so doing they want to illustrate to us that the real reality into which man "awakens" after acquiring the spiritual senses, is the only one that exists while the physical reality in which we seem to live today, is but a temporary dream from which we are all to awaken.

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