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There was a fancy chair, and then Dreams Interpretation Online - Understand My Dreams

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There was a fancy chair, and then I threw up, and the throw up turned into a spider made out of beef jerky. Also, I hit my knee on a lamp.

What is the meaning of There was a fancy chair, and then In a dream

What does it means There was a fancy chair, and then In a dream ? - Dream meaning


If raw and bloody, cancers and tumors of a malignant nature will attack the subject. Be on your guard as to bruises and hurts of any kind. To see, or eat cooked beef, anguish surpassing human aid is before you. Loss of life by horrible means will occur. Beef properly served under pleasing surroundings denotes harmonious states in love and business, if otherwise, evil is foreboded, though it may be of a trifling nature.

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Position, style or attitude. Being conformable with something or someone. To see a chair in your dream, denotes failure to meet some obligation. If you are not careful you will also vacate your most profitable places. To see a friend sitting on a chair and remaining motionless, signifies news of his death or illness.

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Flexibility. Humility. To dream of knees denotes sickness and humiliation. It also means dissatisfaction and complaints of those in the home, and separation of lovers. To dream that your knees are too large, denotes sudden ill luck for you. If they are stiff and pain you, swift and fearful calamity awaits you. For a woman to dream that she has well-formed and smooth knees, predicts she will have many admirers, but none to woo her in wedlock. If they are soiled, sickness from dissipation is portended. If they are unshapely, unhappy changes in her fortune will displace ardent hopes. To dream of knees is an unfortunate omen.

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Light. Searching for something. Mystery unsolved. To see lamps filled with oil, denotes the demonstration of business activity, from which you will receive gratifying results. Empty lamps, represent depression and despondency. To see lighted lamps burning with a clear flame, indicates merited rise in fortune and domestic bliss. If they give out a dull, misty radiance, you will have jealousy and envy, coupled with suspicion, to combat, in which you will be much pleased to find the right person to attack. To drop a lighted lamp, your plans and hopes will abruptly turn into failure. If it explodes, former friends will unite with enemies in damaging your interests. Broken lamps, indicate the death of relatives or friends. To light a lamp, denotes that you will soon make a change in your affairs, which will lead to profit. To carry a lamp, portends that you will be independent and self-sustaining, preferring your own convictions above others. If the light fails, you will meet with unfortunate conclusions, and perhaps the death of friends or relatives. If you are much affrighted, and throw a bewildering light from your window, enemies will ensnare you with professions of friendship and interest in your achievements. To ignite your apparel from a lamp, you will sustain humiliation from sources from which you expected encouragement and sympathy, and your business will not be fraught with much good.

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To dream of a spider, denotes you being careful and energetic in your labors and fortune will be amassed to pleasing proportions. Domestic happiness. Spiders represent feminine power since the female is the more powerful gender of the species. Spiders represent exotic beauty, steady craftsmanship, and constant observation. Some people think a spider can represent a sneaky or dangerous individual. They can also represent tricksters. Spider webs can represent traps, but they may also be a symbol of connection to the world, a physical and psychological symbol of the "string theory" of quantum mechanics. Everything is, in some way, connected. The universe is a spiderweb. Spiders represent space aliens. square iron slabs on water water is strong feelings and iron slabs are defense mechanisms that separate someone from their feelings, square is man made, nature doesn't produce square geometric figures, but iron is from the earth, so it symbolizes man made objects or substances from the earth that supports people to continue not being in touch with their feelings.. Spiders represent feminine power since the female is the more powerful gender of the species. Spiders represent exotic beauty, steady craftsmanship, and constant observation. Some people think a spider can represent a sneaky or dangerous individual. They can also represent tricksters. Spider webs can represent traps, but they may also be a symbol of connection to the world, a physical and psychological symbol of the "string theory" of quantum mechanics. Everything is, in some way, connected. The universe is a spiderweb. Spiders represent space aliens. square iron slabs on water water is strong feelings and iron slabs are defense mechanisms that separate someone from their feelings, square is man made, nature doesn't produce square geometric figures, but iron is from the earth, so it symbolizes man made objects or substances from the earth that supports people to continue not being in touch with their feelings.. To dream of a spider, denotes that you will be careful and energetic in your labors, and fortune will be amassed to pleasing proportions. To see one building its web, foretells that you will be happy and secure in your own home. To kill one, signifies quarrels with your wife or sweetheart. If one bites you, you will be the victim of unfaithfulness and will suffer from enemies in your business. If you dream that you see many spiders hanging in their webs around you, foretells most favorable conditions, fortune, good health and friends. To dream of a large spider confronting you, signifies that your elevation to fortune will be swift, unless you are in dangerous contact. To dream that you see a very large spider and a small one coming towards you, denotes that you will be prosperous, and that you will feel for a time that you are immensely successful; but if the large one bites you, enemies will steal away your good fortune. If the little one bites you, you will be harassed with little spites and jealousies. To imagine that you are running from a large spider, denotes you will lose fortune in slighting opportunities. If you kill the spider you will eventually come into fair estate. If it afterwards returns to life and pursues you, you will be oppressed by sickness and wavering fortunes. For a young woman to dream she sees gold spiders crawling around her, foretells that her fortune and prospect for happiness will improve, and new friends will surround her.

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