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My fiance and I moved in with

My fiance and I moved in with my ex husband so I could be around my kids but then my ex husband started chasing us in pursuit to kill us

I saw a big ocean crystal clear

I saw a big ocean crystal clear water that our crash gear failure crash happened in that ocean inside the car my dad mom brother aunty aunty son was inside actually I was driving but I felt down in between the partition of the road I was chasing running for them and searching but they accident was happened in the ocean. I cross the ocean to save them and to search their bodies but so I jumped inside the water but I couldn't I was drown so the workers inside the ocean save me pull me out then I try again to search for them so I asked one guy he asked me to inside to take jumpsuit and ocean inside I said I don't want to go inside that he instead went and his look from the door was so scary he threw me a cotton and band aid cloth with wierd face so I spit to him and angry to him and I told him never then he close that door that door was the way I came to construction side of water so I had no where to go I was Stück but I decided to search for ocean and search but something happened burden to my body then I woke up.

I was on a field trip in

I was on a field trip in a car in the mountains with my family, (my mom, dad, and I) and we took a turn and climbed towards the summit of the mountains and suddenly there was snow. We stop, admiring the view. Suddenly I see my mom's side of the family there too. I keep walking across my family on the lines of the summit. As I walk, the snow on the peak starts to slide near my feet. The snow slide increased and my mom, my aunt, and I started running. Suddenly there is a tiger behind us chasing. We 3 hold hands, take a leap, and take a big jump from the mountaintop to the street we can see under us. As we landed on the street, we saw a shop with a big mirror wall and a mirror door. To escape the tiger, we tried to get into the shop and my mom shut the door. But the tiger slammed into it behind us. They started pushing the door and the tiger was much stronger than my mom so I pushed her aside and started closing the door against the tiger's force. The tiger was much stronger so I happened to be right in front of its face. He growled at me. I was not afraid and I did not faze although I was worried about my aunt and my mom. So I tried to growl louder than him so that it scared him. As I growled, I growled in bed too and that woke me up.

I dremt of myself and some other

I dremt of myself and some other guys chasing a grasscutter but they got tired and stop and I continued to chase it and later started hitting it with stone but it didn't die and I woke up

I had a dream that I was

I had a dream that I was at a high school, it had maybe a very mild resemblance to my school. And the school down by the football field for some reason had a beach. And this seal kept jumping out of the water to scare us. I was saying in my dream, "It has to stay in the water it can't hurt us". And then it popped out of the water can and started chasing me and some other person (I forgot or don't know who they were). It chased us up a ramp that led to the main school area. It started attacking everybody. I and the person I was with split up somehow, and I was hiding with multiple other people in some little room connected to the library. Then, (I forgot why) I decided to leave the building and hide behind the library. There was like a little narrow area between the library and this fence. So I stayed there for a bit. Soon enough, I decided to go back to the library room and I found everyone in there dead. There were multiple bodies scattered around the rest of the school too. I don't know now when or how, but at some point, it was a dog, and not a seal anymore. Some kind of golden retriever-looking dog. It continued causing chaos until some one I forgot whether it was me or someone else had a bow and arrow pointed at the dog, and was about to kill it. This was in front of the library as well. Then I don't get why but everyone started agreeing that it shouldn't be killed. So it wasn't killed and was just being treated like normal after killing so many students. After that I don't remember much other than that we were at some outside assembly or all the remaining people were just sitting in rows outside on the grass.

So I don't know exactly whe I

So I don't know exactly whe I had this dream but possibly early morning I was walking on the streets suddenly I don't know if it is a cow or bull started chasing continuously so finally I climbed the wall and escaped it then again when I was heading near my home there's a dog barking outside when I looked the nearest house there was a hyena inside I was crossing that house by spelling my beloved deities name and after sometime it got escaped and I escaped from it to..so all of a sudden I became a kind of hunter there was a 7 feet Godzilla I got orders to eliminate it and I'm shooting it and it got injured so badly but still it keep on going to some no man region near the sea so again when I took a shot on it something else coming from behind it's the small Godzilla's which was soooo huge so to escape I jumped into the sea and swimming and that's all I remember all of the sudden I woke up

I was on an old pirate ship

I was on an old pirate ship that had made port near my neighborhood, as I live by the sea, and I was with some other girls and boys playing a game and talking about funny things. I was wearing a blue dress. When the game was over, we had to leave quickly because the pirates were coming. We headed home, but then I remembered I had forgotten my red jacket aboard the ship, so I ran back to retrieve it. The pirates were there. I was a bit anxious because they could hurt me, but my mom would be mad at me for losing my jacket, so I had to get it back. I found the jacket on deck, and was ready to leave. But a pirate dressed in black with an angry face held me back and threatened me. He was suspicious of me. I explained to him that my intention was retrieving the jacket, and I showed him my jacket. He believed me, but then when I jumped off the ship to go home, all the pirates started chasing me and they were very fast. I don't remember how the dream ended.