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My girlfriend my brothers girlfriend her twin

My girlfriend my brothers girlfriend her twin sister an i went to a club and they ordered three sardeans fish from the bar so i ordered one also i was standing in the back of my girlfriend then the dream switch to where i was talkin to the guy i baught a boat from i told himmy brother baught a new engine for the boat four thousand tweleve thousand was for the boat but we gave him ten thousand because we baught the new engine he said hewas goin to give us two thousand back i was somewhere looking at some letters my aunt sent him when he was locked up not sure if i was locked up in the dream also the dream switch to where i was in my home area talkin to my brother i told him he dnt have any respect for noone then he disapeared but my next brother came i told him he has a girl pregnet he said no she was sleeping with his uncle then a car padsed and hit a miror on a car parked by my grandmother so i walked on the next road and stoped them when i reached to where they were i heard the guy telling his friend that he had his gun on him if anyone tries anything when i said something to him he syarted shooting i got shoot twice in my neck but i could see the bullets sticking out of my neck i ran by my grandmother when i looked back it look like he was standing over my brother shooting my brother i ran by my grandmother and locked the door