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Recent dreams containing green apple

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I am in a really bright, white

I am in a really bright, white room. it is a shop. as i make my way down the fruit aisle, it is all green apples, i keep picking up apples and sniffing them and then put them back. a man comes up from behind my left shoulder. he doesn't say anything but i know he wants to put his hand on my stomach

I was drinking with two friends who

I was drinking with two friends who I dont know very well and see rarely on a beach. Next im looking for something in an unrecognizable house I tell both of my friends that I will catch up later because I have to let my bear out to go potty. I play with the bear like a dog but a green apple is the toy. Im scared of the bear while im playing with it cause im afraid hes playing to rough and I might get hurt. Then the bear falls into a deep sleep on a pillow outside.