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I had a dream last night, I

I had a dream last night, I was in the kitchen with my parents chatting, and had a stomach cramp first thought was I'm going into labor, hut my mom said no and my dad was laughing. I told them she turned she's ready I then felt a little form in my stomach but I could 'hold' her from side to side with my hand. I then went to the bathroom, as I had a bowel movement I heard someone say oh no, and a hand reach into the toilet( not mine but I was alone) I then reached into the toilet bowl and felt the baby and pulled her out. As I saw her she was a little bigger than my hand, and she was not fully developed but you could see she was a baby, she had her hands almost in a prayer form. To her left I saw another baby, I felt it was another girl, but she was smaller than her sister. The babies wasn't soft like you would assume, it was like they were covered in mucus, but it felt like candle wax, and stuck together? I had a red towel next too me and wrapped the babies in it and went to give them to my mom, because I thought you had to report miscarriage/stillborns. Some how I was relieved, but I as I sat on the top stair (my parents was downstairs) just before I called them I realized I just had twins( a life long dream of mine) and it felt like I lost everything, like my heart was ripping out of my chest. I saw my mom out of the corner of my eye look up and see me. But I didn't hold the babies close, I held them wrapped with one hand? I'm 23 and not pregnant. Please help me make sense of this it is really confusing and bothering me, since the emotions from the dream bled through afterwards and I still feel like I've lost them. Thank you!

I can never give birth. like i’ve

I can never give birth. like i’ve had multiple dreams where i either give birth to a stillborn child or i abort the child.