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I am in a church and the

I am in a church and the catholic priest dressed in white sprinkles blessed water on everyone. When he reaches me he pours on me all the remaining water. Then sprinkles again the second time and I do the sign of the cross. The lady in green sits beside me but I stand.Then comes back to the altar to give the final blessing. Then I carry blessed water with a small plastic bottle. Later, it's the Eucharistic adoration people mentioning baby Jesus, like remembering his life as a child. One lady in green sits looking the opposite side and head bowed and scratching her head. In real life this lady is fighting a chronic disease. I and her are in a black car, and it's moving aimlessly, I check and see she is stepping on the brakes/ crutch and I take over the rear. I am in the highway driving. And I pack it beside the road. I am all alone now. I pass by a very smart house on foot and a lady in white gives me what looks like a card.(The size of a smart card. Now I am coming out of a house and am peeling a yellow ripe banana, although I do not see myself eating.and a purple cabbage on my right hand. Am going to look where I packed the car. I see my mum along the way. I wake up still asking if I packed it very far from the church we received the blessing and am actually not concerned that I can no longer find it

I had a dream about I'm studying

I had a dream about I'm studying college somewhere in the college my School friends also there. In that class I'm the silent girl moreover I was sit at first bench in the class. I was late joine however I got one friend who have a handsome, cute , loyal man. He have a lot of girls fan but he only want to friendship with me. One day he proposed me and I'm accept his proposal. One day so many rumours about his I got my some people. He was trying to convince me to said that this is was rumour but I'm not ready to know that it is. We all travel at the bus he was sit behind me. I'm looking him both know well but I'm in anger. At the time we where sit at the bus some people tell me about him that rumours on that time I look at him moreover asking him in my eyes he said no then I talk with him. Then I'm side with him then talk with him on his ears. I'm eating chicken and asking him do you want he said no i don't eat sometimes only I eat that you eat my dear. Then I'm eating food he was sighting me. Then in he drop at our college front gate. At the time girls trying to talk with him but he doesn't mind those people who try to impress him. He is familiar man but only want me. He doesn't mind others who try to impress

I was talking to someone who was

I was talking to someone who was trying to make me understand that I should stop masturbating, then disappeared. Instead of her was written "I am YOU". Then I asked the other person, and said that I should have more sexual intercourse. And said that I was jewish.

I was with my dad, outside the

I was with my dad, outside the house, we talked about time..I asked him if Time walks? Or does it flow with us? Does it does from past to future? Or from future to past? He said from past to future, i asked him how do you know? He thought hard about the question and couldnt answer me

I saw that I was going out

I saw that I was going out of the place and then I kept Mata Saraswati picture and Lord krishna in my books bag in the hurrying

An ugly man wanted to have sex

An ugly man wanted to have sex with me—as in it was Going to happen, he was naked and trying to have at me and I was startled seeing his face, it scared me and I recoiled, but suddenly felt…bad? For feeling so disturbed by his face, So I end up looking at what he was working with downstairs and essentially come to the conclusion it wouldn’t be too terrible. Things began to progress—oddly enough he asked if I liked what I saw, (I definitely did not like what I saw when I saw his face, still somewhat offensive to my eyes which I still feel bad for but it was truly a face like I’d never seen in waking life.) I said, “yes”, and even in the dream it felt odd, unsure of why the word left my lips though I was talking about, well,not his face, as he had a decent physique…but before having sex with him, I woke up. I felt very strange about it upon waking up.

I hear the sound of ghungroo at

I hear the sound of ghungroo at the place where I lived as a kid. I tell my mom I heard the sound of a ghungroo. As i look outside i see a little girl in red dress running around and playing but not looking at us. I tried to affectionately call her but words dont escape my mouth. Have a sense of shock as i see her and maybe some sort of fear caused the words to not come out of my mouth. As she leaves our vision I tell my mom that i heard it earlier that day and saw her earlier. She must be around 4 or 5, just about th age of my daughter whom i havrnt seen for a couple of months now. The visual out of the window was pitch black and all i could see was the girl run away from our side of the window, turn around and run back disappearing from our side of the window.

I saw a big ocean crystal clear

I saw a big ocean crystal clear water that our crash gear failure crash happened in that ocean inside the car my dad mom brother aunty aunty son was inside actually I was driving but I felt down in between the partition of the road I was chasing running for them and searching but they accident was happened in the ocean. I cross the ocean to save them and to search their bodies but so I jumped inside the water but I couldn't I was drown so the workers inside the ocean save me pull me out then I try again to search for them so I asked one guy he asked me to inside to take jumpsuit and ocean inside I said I don't want to go inside that he instead went and his look from the door was so scary he threw me a cotton and band aid cloth with wierd face so I spit to him and angry to him and I told him never then he close that door that door was the way I came to construction side of water so I had no where to go I was Stück but I decided to search for ocean and search but something happened burden to my body then I woke up.

I had two dreams the first one

I had two dreams the first one was of my boyfriend yelling at me and getting pissed off I tried to calm him but he kept yelling at me and the second one was of my brother dying on me I put a belt around the injury to stop it from bleeding after I head him screaming and then he died and we left his body there and coverd it up and stuff