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There was this little girl and she

There was this little girl and she was my sister or something but we were stuck with this large group of guys who we stayed with for some reason like protection or something and it was night time all the buildings even apartments and stuff were shut down and locked to where *****ody could get in or out so this other group of guys older and bigger came and i guess they wanted this little girl so they started to kill \"my\" group so i grabbed the little girl and ran with her trying to hide her from the guys and something happened causing all the doors to unlock and stuff well i took us in this building and i closed off the door so nobody could get in but the building itself it could like feel us in there and it could manipulate the things inside it to try to get rid of us

There was this little girl, and she

There was this little girl, and she was my sister or something... But we were stuck with this large group of guys who we stayed with for some reason, like protection or something.. And it was night time, all the buildings, even apartments and stuff, were shut down and locked to where nobody could get in or out.. So this other group of guys, older and bigger came and I guess they wanted this little girl so they started to kill "my" group. So I grabbed the little girl and ran with her, trying to hide her from the guys and something happened... Causing all the doors to unlock and stuff, well I took us in this building and I closed off the door so nobody could get in, but the building itself... It could like, feel us in there.. And it could manipulate the things inside it to try to get rid of us.

O every night i have this dream

O every night i have this dream ! its annoying and creepy . so it is darkness all black than it turns like this : its blue like in night , there is a little windy , snowy and there are Dead buildings like broken building .. there lives nobody except that '' creature '' she calls herself a grim reaper like soul taker . she has long silver hair like albino , red lips and red/blue/green eyes . u know she changes them each time its very creepy like u know in film where vampires/demons have this kind of eyes : so every night she is like taking her sword kind of thing and she is like : look at this , HA ! and rips ppl-s souls and she calls herself hell sender . you know its VERY CREEPY ! LIKE EVERY NIGHT !

I was in a run down city,

I was in a run down city, the buildings had numerous bullet holes in the them. At some point I was walking down the street when I fell backwards. To my horror I had four bullet holes in my chest. At first I experienced sheer terror but then I started to walk away. Like I hadn't been shot at all. Then I went to a wedding, bloody shirt and all and enjoyed a beautiful ceremony, at which I caught the flowers. No one cared about my appearance either. Afterwards, I trudged up a steep walk way to a car and tumbled inside, I want to say it was my truck. Three days passed by and I remember dying, lying in the front seat.

My boyfriend and I go to a

My boyfriend and I go to a store, the owners are standing outside and their two dogs come up to us, a small white dog, and a big white husky. The little dog is friendly, but the husky is growling and sniffing at me and making me uncomfortable. I tell my boyfriend that I just want to go inside because the husky scares me, but he laughs and holds out his hand for the husky and starts to pet him. All of a sudden the husky looks into the sky, and starts to scream, if a dog could scream. I look up and we see a disk flying close, zooming around making a horrible metal sound, like it's cutting the air. Then more metallic disks appear in the sky and start shooting at buildings and at everyone on the street. I grabbed my boyfriend and we turned to run and hide.

Last night I dreamt that I was

Last night I dreamt that I was in a car with a good female friend, we were driving around and I our job was to drive to deserted buildings and repair leaks. I don't think this is unusual as she is a leak technician and we both work for a water company and we watched water for elephants last night. whilst we were driving I was in the back of the car and saw a black snake. we got out of the car the snake hid, we found it and it was alive then it suddenly died. this happened twice. it made us jump and we were worried then we were ok as if we knew it was going to be able to be killed, then we picked up a male friend to give him a lift to work. In real life he works with me in this dream he didn't. in the back of he car he kissed me but she couldn't see, he has a girlfriend but we have slept together several times and recently he decided we should be just friends. I would like more, then at one of the final buildings he was sick in front of me, I helped him and wanted to look after him, then my other friend appeared who says she does not like him because she doesn't know about my past with him and I was scared she would see how I felt. how does this translate?