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I saw 3 snake white,red, black,, the

I saw 3 snake white,red, black,, the black snake bites me in my little finger in the right hand but the black snaje us died,, then i saw my blood to the ground and i saw three mountain and i hear the voice from the heaven

A few days ago I had a

A few days ago I had a dream where I started to cheat on my boyfriend but after making out with the guy in my dream for a little bit I quickly stood up and told him no, I couldn't do this to my boyfriend. Of course when I woke up I felt weird and a bit guilty even though it was just a dream and I have no interest in any other guy. Then last night I had a dream that I was cuddling with my boyfriend but at the same time he was (fingering) another girl. Basically, he had one arm around me but the other hand was working on her. In the dream I was upset but tried to ignore it and let him continue to do it. Now I'm shaken up and feel pretty terrible (even though it didn't really happen.) I trust my boyfriend so I don't understand where these dreams are coming from but could they have a meaning and what is it?

Find Kirin in you dreams snap your

Find Kirin in you dreams snap your fingers. Kirin is an elf, handsome. He left you his computer it is a hardcore programming computer. It hurt him to know I forgot him. Deeply. Our love has spanned eons he did not have sex with me, we are polygamous/ polyandrous. If felt real. The love was intense and REAL. Yoi could not tell the difference. Kirin is aware it is a dream. He has an alien friend who is sexual in nature forgotten name Yes we had a threesime. Braeden was living with us. Mom had a denereys wig on. Do not take an elevator!!!! Do not look directly at Kirin or other see characters until you k ow you are solid in there. Yes you cannot tell the difference. Keep dreaming.

This morning before I woke up I

This morning before I woke up I had a dream that a big fluffy Monarch Butterfly landed on my finger and I watched it, it was so pretty.. then it started flying off and came back and landed on my forehead @ my hairline.. then it got stuck in my hair and I was trying to gently nudge it out but it was stuck. There were a bunch of people standing around watching, but nobody would help me get the butterfly out! So I had to gently try to guide him out of my hair and I accidentally pulled his wings off and the body was dead but twitching and tangled up in my hair. I was so upset and nobody would help me get the dead butterfly out of my hair… then wings just melted into my hands

My dad was sitting in a kitchen

My dad was sitting in a kitchen table, one of his good friends was beside him. My dad was very drunk we couldn't understand a single word he was saying, he was slurring all his words. he than reached in a drawer to pulled out a knife, he than clearly said "love me , or love me not" and put his hand on his chest and was about to start playing the knife to finger games, but than looked at me and threw the knife towards me. His friend than grabbed him and walked away.