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A bully I knew from school was

A bully I knew from school was holding my fiancee captive. I was scared to retrieve her from his house even though I knew where she was. I called her on the phone and was actually mad at her for not just leaving. I also found out he was forcing her to sleep in his bed, although I didn't verify if anything more than just sleeping occurred. Finally after a few hours in dream time, I found the courage to rescue her. When I got to the house just two doors down, I told him sternly I'm taking her home. He just shrugged and said ok. I didn't attack him, I didn't even give him a dirty look. Her and I left the house together. I feel guilty for not protecting her better, for not rescuing her sooner, for not leveling that house and that man when I arrived to get her. I feel I failed her.

I dreamt that I was staying in

I dreamt that I was staying in a house with a male friend and some others I didn't know too well. I felt slightly romantically inclined towards my friend. Then, a girl I know he likes in real life turned up at the door in tears (she also saw me looking dressed up in the background - I felt embarrassed and guilty). She stormed off and went into a house nearby. I told my friend to follow her and console her. He did. I then went to bed but began to be harassed by another guy I didn't really know, for sex. I tried to get away from him but he chased me. He tried locking the doors and I went to use the phone to call my friend but didn't know his number by heart, and the bad guy disconnected the phone quickly. I tried to escape or get my friend. I managed to get out the back door and tried running to the other house my friend was in to call him but I got lost and the guy was still chasing me. I ended up in a big city that was a mixture of London and the town I grew up in - I went looking for the house I spent my early childhood in, but then realised my coat, with my bus ticket and wallet was left at the original house. Feeling completely lost and hopeless, I then woke up.

I dreamt that i was falling for

I dreamt that i was falling for a man i have never seen before in my life but in my dreams he was my very good friend and also felt like a long time crush but i was trying to resist myself from falling for him because in my dream also i was thinking about my real life boyfriend and how it is wrong but finally i give up and kiss him in a bus but then i feel emensly guilty for cheating.

There was Andrew, Kenny, Ricardo, and Vicky.

There was Andrew, Kenny, Ricardo, and Vicky. I gradually found out that my best friend Kenny had gone to see a Spongebob movie with Vicky, and it had lasted seven hours. “Why didn’t you tell me?!” I shouted at him. Vicky stood to the side looking guilty. Anxiety engulfed me; the realization that the only person true to me was Andrew made me flock to the younger boy in desperation. I started to slowly kiss his face, but petals formed where my lips intended on his skin. I exited the room; I glimpsed Kenny’s hurt face. I received a text that was elaborately decorated with newspaper cubes and strips, along with Kenny’s own dialog. He was hurting, and wanted forgiveness. “I was the paradox of a nun earlier, but you didn’t give me chance before you went over to Andrew and kissed his petals…”

I was driving along a road in

I was driving along a road in a populated city near water. Away from home like a am working as a contractor in another state. To my right, I see 4 missiles travelling at the same speed seconds before impact. As the cloud begins to rise, I sit in my car in disbelief that it happened this way. Knowing I will die soon I start to pray. Awaiting the city leveling blast that does not come, I snap to and begin moving away from the blast driving the vehicle. I somehow end up driving through water and decide to abandon the vehicle to find some kind of shelter from the coming blast that somehow is late in arriving to me. A time later while looking and running I feel extremely guilty and idiotic for leaving the vehicle. Like I failed at that very crucial moment, monumentally, with that decision. I could have saved/reached my family with that vehicle and that blast has not come. I decide to go back to the vehicle. As I am running and now looking at the mushroom cloud, I see other vehicles moving and people running, I hope no one has stolen my vehicle. Some time later the blast comes but it is overhead. I can see this cloud ring burst out from all sides of the mushroom. I pause, waiting to be hit by this blast. Again it is not leveling the city. I begin to run in the opposite direction, looking back at the cloud. I then feel a burst of wind, not enough to knock me or anything down. A few seconds later I feel heat. It’s getting hotter around me, but not burning, I feel like it may be radiation then I wake up from the dream.

I had to pack a bag very

I had to pack a bag very quickly. I was in the bedroom and knew there was a dead 'roadkill' type animal under my bed. I tried not to look but couldn't help noticing the guts all over the floor and the blood. I looked and notied a huge dog sizes rat, still alive and badly suffering. It had its top part of the skill taken off and the brain exposed, blood and internal organs everywhere. I was so sad and knew it was badly suffering but couldn't bring myself to kill it and put it out of its misery. I walked away feeling terrible and so guilty at my weakness.