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In my dream. I saw a lady

In my dream. I saw a lady (An Angel to my own understanding) standing on the cloud. The cloud was closer to me and she deep her hand inside the cloud and dropped a coconut for me. I picked the coconut ran out looking for who to share the event that just occurred with. Why i was standing a man touched my shoulder telling me to call him. That i haven't called him the way i should, while i was questioning who he is. He ascended into the sky, forming a cloud that transformed into a language/writing of some sort (Hebrew/Greek) not sure. While i was pondering on the meaning the writing translated into english. And it says 'Call Me, I AM GOD'. This remained in the sky until i woke up from my sleep.

I dreamt about an old boyfriend who

I dreamt about an old boyfriend who has died. We fight every time..then he wants me back we cry share tender moments. I miss him

There is a girl I know and

There is a girl I know and have known, we have shared and intimate moment but I never have felt right about what I did with her . The dream involves me and her about to have sex in a bedroom she tells me I'm who she's always wanted and we are about to go in....then my girlfriend appears?

I had a dream of 2 large

I had a dream of 2 large strong bulls that were connected by their tale. It wasn't tied, they simply shared the same tail. They were walking between A mountain that had a hole in the middle of it, something that I've never seen before. However, i was told that it was called moon hill in my dream. After the 2 bulls walked through moon hill, they appeared to be clean. Not to say that they looked dirty prior to walking through the mountain, but their coat of skin was just so shiny. They were so large and strong and i could see the sun glistening off their Dark coat of skin. They looked so peaceful, and almost as though they didn't even know they were sharing 1 tail.

I was in a shop and I

I was in a shop and I wanted to buy a paysafecard. But the shopkeeper gave me a card for my phone and I told him nooo I want a paysafecard not a card for my phone. Then somehow somehow someone won 5000 phones in that shop [ it was a girl ]. When we got out I asked to let me pick one and she didn't want to share them. So I chased her and she started doing things. Like he was saying the police that I wanted to hurt her because I was chasing her and etc. but I always got away. Then she told her father [ he looked really rich and strong socially ] and he told to the police again and they all started chasing me. Then I got hidden in a random shop and the shopkeeper told me to hide under the desk. Then the girl was actually chasing me too. I could do anything if I wanted too and the shopkeeper revealed me some stones which were really similar to each other and it was like a map. After a while, when I was flying her father caught me. I started kicking him and he wouldn't let me go. He told me " act like nothing was happened, and you will be saved " and then I woke up. All those things happened near my neighborhood in a place that I go almost every week. What could this mean?

I dream of a friend who is

I dream of a friend who is incarserated , in witch i was contacted by her to help her with the tranfering of lmailing leters. my research on the boy frienve this dream interpitede id truly apppreaceate this thank you sincerely noel t. garzad of the love one incarserated has come to a dead end with no enough info. to share with her im sure she has been rather upset that i wasnt able to provide her with the curoperation that she had for sence or hoped id been able to provide. reasontly i dream of her in my dream there where no commonication although she seem to keep an eye on my threw out the drteam in witch she followed me threw outr it aswell to the very end or up intill the point that i woke up from this dream, if i could ha

My ex boyfriend and i were hanging

My ex boyfriend and i were hanging out at his house that he shares with his wife. She always comes home and is cool with us hanging out. We also engage in some sexual activity.

I was in college, I had what

I was in college, I had what looked like a hotel room. I had two girl room mates, and one guy room mate. We all shared beds. My boyfriend started falling for one of the girls. They would talk all the time, and text each other. One time she took my promise rings. I asked her why she was acting this way, and she responded, that he was the only thing she wanted even though she can't have him. I was walking with my boyfriend when a bus got into a really bad accident. I asked him why he talked to her all the time, and he couldn't answer me..