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I have a recurring dream that my

I have a recurring dream that my husband doesnt love me anymore and is so cold and cruel to me in life my husband is very loving and i know he loves me so much but this dream really upsets me

Every night I DREAM of making love

Every night I DREAM of making love having a baby & getting married to a guy that I've worked with I can actually feel him touching me I feels him kissing me........ I feel every thing I also hear him saying that he loves me..... I haven't seen this man in 5 years help me

I , my husband and his female

I , my husband and his female friend were in a house i didn't know she was no tto be there was she would not leave the house or us alone she would follow my husband and anything myself and husband would do she had to be there she even got in bed with us and told me she wasn't leaving and that she loves my husband

I dreamt that my husband was inlove

I dreamt that my husband was inlove with another woman and to make matters worse he brought that woman to our house and I saw, and wanted to kill her but I eventually asked him why he would do this to me and he said to me infront of that woman he still loves me a lot