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I dreamed that there were about four

I dreamed that there were about four puppies in the closet and at first I hid them and them I let them out to run and play in the yard. I especially like a little white one. then we all went into a garden.

I dreamed that there were 4 puppies.

I dreamed that there were 4 puppies. 3 were black ad 1 was white. Their mother abandoned them so I put them on the couch with me and kept the warm. They woke up and the 3 black puppies jumped off and were fine. The white dog jumped off and broke it's rib. My ex boyfriend took me and the dog to the vet because no one else would. He ran to the car, but some force was holding me back so I had to walk slowly holding the dog closely to me to make I stop hurting and the dog was whimpering. We got to the car and that's when I woke up.