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I had a drea 3 nights ago

I had a drea 3 nights ago , I was driving in a street were I lived when I was a child, it was my aunty's house, when I arrived there was a white van outside, next thing I'm in the hallway of the house andi could notice a big decoration of the property going on, as I walked past the first, I continued to the parlour room and I could see my wifes auntie sitting in the kitchen, she died last year about 5 months ago, I shouted winnie, alright winnie and she never replied which was typical of her as he was slightly deaf, I nudge her and said hi winniw, and she said hi john, she was looking the opposite way to the window which I found mad? the next thing I'm sitting on a sette in the parlour and winnie comes in and stands in front of me pouts her bum aganst me and bends towards the fire with a tape measure, so I said ill do that winnie, the next thing winnie was behind my back on the couch like a nutcracker soldier,stiif as a board? and I had a pen and paer in my hand, written on the paper was a row of unreadable words and the second row it had 2 unreadable words is Sylvia 2 more unreadable words miss my family? now Sylvia is my mother in law winnies sister in law, and they were ver y close and lived opposite each other

I was at my house and it

I was at my house and it was all the sudden a lab. So me, ashlynn my closest friend, and parker my former crush and a random guy I don’t know. My principle sent us there so we can test out a new device that can tell when a natural disaster will come. Each person there tested the item. When it came to me and Ashlynn my close friend, it said “no natural disasters known” soon I got impatient and asked her if we can leave. Right when I say that the device says “tsunami and fire will come” so me and ashlynn show the others. We go into my loft and started building pillow walls, thinking that will hold the fire and tsunami off. Then ashlynn my close friend said to me “we should bury you in pillows sense you have asthma so it will make the fire go away” and the natural disasters never came.

I was flying a world war 2

I was flying a world war 2 bomber around a military cruiser type vessel and I somehow got on board and tried to put electrical fires out that started in a room i thought had people in it but when i got in there there was only charred bones

Someone is trying to break into the

Someone is trying to break into the house or hurt me and i have a gun but it either wont fire or when the bullet hits him, it bounces off or i miss him and im not able to stop him.

Dreamed of popping fireworks then thousands of

Dreamed of popping fireworks then thousands of what seem to me as finches flying into the house and a white owl was also in the house. Whole house was full of birds that I tried to get out of the house. But I was not scared of them. Actually I was a peace with seeing the birds and gorgeous white owl.