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So I had another dream. Obviously it

So I had another dream. Obviously it was about him. I was at his house. It was a different house though. One with a million other rooms. I spent the night in his room while he wasn't there. And when he came I was being playful and I ended up on top of him. Then things got hot and heavy so I decided to lock the door in case someone comes in. And then when we were just about to get it on, his little sis she was like four years old, knocks on the door so he opens it. Takes her in his arms and plays with her. We didn't end up doing it. But before I even went to his room to see him. I was looking for it. I couldn't remember which room it was.i kept opening doors thinking it was his but they weren't. Then, I came to a door that I was sure lead to his room so I opened it. The person blocked the door from fully opening. And then he opened it. It wasn't him. It was this ugly chubby white guy. And then I went into the room and he was talking and all of a sudden he grabs me and tries to rape me. I scream for help and since I was near the door I tried opening it. Luckily, someone was with me t was up. I tried the whole time following me around. And she stood at the door and then she helped me get away. Once I got away I quickly ran and ended up at the door of his room. I remembered that it was this door that lead to his room. So, I opened it and he was there lying on the bed someone else was there. But they were irrelevant ATM. And I hugged him and he was happy also but I could tell he was wondering what was up. I was trying my best not to let him know what happened. And I kept hugging him and he held. And then I ended up looking at him and tears just came rolling down my eyes. And I buried my face in his neck and told him everything. He comforted me. And we ended up in the first half of this note.

I was in a bank, I had

I was in a bank, I had a check in my hand for 347$, I almost was returning a bunch of things to the bank. She Teller was counting seven white cell phones, One was cracked, she said she wouldn't make me pay for it, but she would make my boss pay for it. I turned around and looked and there was a casino attached to the bank.. I turned to her and said, wow that was a good idea to put a bank and casino together she responded by saying she would own one soon too, the lady was very monotone about everything she said. I turned to a child and said that's okay for a days pay, he said yes, do you want to see a picture of my friend, it was a name of someone I didn't like. All of the sudden I was in a new house, I felt uncomfortable, when he pulled out the picture it was of three little blonde children that I didn't know and then all of the sudden I was in the street in the middle of nowhere.

I am a very intense dreamer, I

I am a very intense dreamer, I can have epic movie type of dreams, most I sort of remember but not in any great detail. But sometimes I have a dream that wont let go and I can remember specific details about the dream, the following is one of those dreams; I could not find my pick up truck, I was certain that I had parked it in my work place parking area, but I could not find it. Then I noticed that I did not have on any shoes and was walking around bare foot. I distinctly remember thinking I should be wearing a pair of gray comfortable tennis shoe that I have. My thoughts then wander back to where could my pick up be. Then I'm sitting at a picnic table talking on the phone. I am supposed to be helping manage a busy restaurant but I'm pre occupied with the phone conversation. When I get done with the phone call I go back into the restaurant kitchen area to help but, everyone is just finishing up and putting everything away. No one is upset with me not being there "managing them " like I was supposed to do. Ok, that's pretty much it. What could it mean.

I'm in a farm house, where I

I'm in a farm house, where I know I Live. My mother is there as she looked forty years ago. I go out for a walk and walk across a path surrounded by rough grass and find a cooked chicken obviously partially eaten by a wild animal. I remember that I didn't put the chicken and other foods away in the cupboard in the outhouse and go back to tell my mother what has happened. She sends me to the shops to buy another, but aI buy a brown feather stuffed cushion instead. When the guests and other members of the family arrive for the invited meal there is a large buffet of food on the table including the remains of the chicken. which I slice off a piece and eat. My mother looks at my questioningly and I shrug and laugh. later I tell people about my mistaking a pillow for a chcken.

Me and my friend were at this

Me and my friend were at this random place showering, she was in the shower with her boyfriend. as i showered, i noticed there was a large group of people who could see me from the wall behind me, and i immediately felt uncomfortable. then my friend and i were walking down the street by the ocean, until we saw my other friend. as we approached closer to him, we noticed his car being towed, but he never told us why. i began to walk further down the street by myself until i thought i was standing in front of my ex boyfriends house. seconds later, a group of boys walked past, which i ignored. i heard a sniff, and then i looked down at my phone, and i had a text from my ex boyfriend saying, "you cant say hi?" i said, "wait," and the group of boys turned around. my ex boyfriend saw me and was talking to me until he pulled me into a hug and seemed as if he was about to kiss me. in that moment, a different car pulled up, and we all got in. i sat in the back seat and he sat in the passenger. we sang along to a song about getting back together together.

I was in an abandoned run down

I was in an abandoned run down strip mall at night. I was with two other people, they were both young adults, a young man and a young woman. At time I would see myself in the third person, I looked like a vital old man with a strong nose and a head of silver hair. (Though In reality I am 20 years old) We walked into the bowels of the mall and could here the sounds and voices of the city fading behind us. We walked to the end of the corridor and felt an evil presence. Down an escalator at the end of another short corridor was a pile of garbage. in front of it were two dead bodies and a man tall and muscular with a crew cut and pitiless sandy eyes. "What in the name of Christ is going on" I shouted as I ran down the stairs towards him. He acknowledges me with a casual nod and grins. (What he says next is lost to my memory but I remember a chilling fear as a result of his words) Immediately I turned to my companions, I am between them and the killer. "Go get help" A bright light is on their faces yet concealing their eyes in shadow. The girl is two paces from me and the boy a pace behind her. She smile first, a little reluctantly I shift my gaze to the boy and he meets my gaze with a relieved smile. And in a moment they are gone. I turn back to the killer (He says something else that I can not recall) This time his words have no sway. He jogs over to a door in the wall, with a remorseless grin he beckons me to follow. Through the door I got into a small dusty room. The room is small and very dusty filled with metal objects and two metal workbenches in the center. The killer speaks one last time and moves close with his hands outstretched to choke me I assume. I grab his arm and using his momentum throw him down onto the ground. He gets up and continues to assault me. Soon it escalates and he grabs a metal blade. I move in close and disarm him hoping to hold him in check until help arrives. Unfortunately he slips away and now he is slashing and throwing anything sharp he can find at me. I manage to evade him and finally my compassion gives way. I take a long 10 inch blade and drive it down to the grip in his collar bone. He looks at it a moment with disapproval and continues to assault me. Now I am desperate and anything sharp I can find, I plunge into his body. Finally I find a small piece of sheet metal with a tapered edge and drive it into a long wound across his chest where his heart should of been. I throw him over my shoulder and he smashes into the wall and lies crumpled on the ground, a bloody mess. Tears well in my eyes "Why do you live like this aren't you in pain?!" He answers laboring "The pain is great..." Suddenly there is a bubbling sound he pushes himself off the floor and walks slowly toward me. All the metal in him is receding, disappearing into his body until there is no sign of conflict at all. He stands in front of me, puts his arms firmly, almost tenderly on my shoulders "...That is what I want for us" I am shocked no words come to me. He walks me to the door "Wait I have something to show you" He walks around a corner and brings a white towel over to me "look" he says He opens the towel a little bit and I stoop down to see what it is. A can of cat food half opened. light glints off the sharp edges of the lid "Its just cat food I promise" he mumbles as he walks into the shadows of the room. My heart skips a beat and I walk slowly out the door and start down the hall" I take two steps and my heart skips again as I hear from behind me the sound of the metal lid being pulled back from the can.

Game present as well as tools shops

Game present as well as tools shops might offer you bowling balls shoes or boots, contact ahead as well as check their internet site prior to making the trip. Bowling isn't regarded as any mainstream activity, so they may possibly possess a few versions, and may even donrrrt you have your current size. Should you luck out and about and discover the right boot presently there, despite the fact you attempt these people upon regarding comfort and ease, you can drive them property tomorrow, with a fair cost. Salomon Speedcross 3 CS

I was talking with my brother and

I was talking with my brother and his girlfriend in my room when I notice it is flooding. The bathroom next door to my room is also flooding. I fear that my room will collapse so we begin trying to mop up the flood from the carpet. However, the flood keeps spreading. A kitten drops onto my brother out of nowhere and tells us he needs saved. The kitten got in from a hole in the basement. We go down to the basement to fix the whole and my dad is down there. My dad has blocked off the basement in an effort to save the house. As we go to fix the hole a small dog is trying to get in to be saved as well.

I was talking with people in my

I was talking with people in my room when I notice it is flooding. The bathroom next door to my room is also flooding. We begin trying to mop up the flood from the carpet but it is spreading. A kitten drops onto my brother out of nowhere and tells us he needs saved. The kitten got in from a hole in the basement. We go down to the basement to fix the whole and my dad is down there. My dad has blocked off the basement in an effort to save the house. As we go to fix the hole a small dog is trying to get in to be saved as well.