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I get kidnapped but nobody believes I'm

I get kidnapped but nobody believes I'm actually kidnapped and I have to keep going back to that persons house. Eventually I escape but I want to hang out with my bestfriend before an event we both go to but she is having a pool party with all of her church friends specifically the girl She thinks is her bestfriend and doesn't invite me and then when I see her at the event She is ignoring me and is hanging out with the girl she considers her bestfriend

I dreamed I was in a car

I dreamed I was in a car going to a party. It was like a rave. i went inside this big building a celebrity walked in. He gave us big can of corn and mixed fruit. he then walked back in the room and gave us scantrons and report cards. The teacher was cheating on the students report cards. and we got mad. then i was walking through the building and i wanted to stay at the party but my mom wanted me to leave. so we walked back through the entrance but you had to jump roofs to get out and i was afraid but i did it anyways.

I got a letter from my neighbor,

I got a letter from my neighbor, a childhood acquaintance (it was her birthday), and a kid I don't know too well. It said we missed you at the party. I opened it and there was fish and rice and tomato in it. I went outside on my bike and gave a thank you note to the birthday girl in her mailbox. It got dark and I had a car and picked up my mom and sister in a parking lot

I went to a party with my

I went to a party with my friends got black out drunk and got pregnant. went to a high school reunion pregnant with no father

I was walking with my friend by

I was walking with my friend by the rather and 2 girls come and challenge me to a diving contest of a bridge. so accepted when me and one of girl went to the top of the bridge and dived when I hit the water I could not get to the serifs and I closed my eyes and I opened them on the side of river with two people caring me to their home. when I wake up I realise I have gills , I was out cold for three years and everyone tort I was dead. I stay with the family for 3 months and they throw a party for me and my crush walks in I run out she chases me and then she calls my name. I tern around and she gives me a hug and says "I missed you ". so we walk back and a thaw weeks later I find my family in a pub and I am on the news the fooling day.