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I moved into a house (with the

I moved into a house (with the boys and there sister, my step daughter). The house was a one story house with a basement. I was in my bedroom, in bed, when Ramius and his sister walked in my room. My bed high above the floor in at angle... It was like a loft style bedroom, with a vaulted ceiling about 12ft. and I was at the very top. They telepathically told me something was in the house and they needed me. I go with them, walking the hallway from my room toward the rest of the house... The kids and I could sense movement and heard the ghost but could not see it. I commanded in the name of Christ I for the ghosts to show themselves... The ghost grabbed a white shirt I had (It belonged to my ex Grace) to put on showing its silhouette as it went toward a 100 year old rocking chair I have... (i do own it) She sat in it and appeared. I nor the children were afraid. The woman was veiled from her forehead back in white and pink fine linens around her body, a dress... She gave a sense of royalty. She spoke to me/us of things... she informed me the house was haunted, that there were 3 ghosts. I asked her if there was a psychic among the ghosts that could help me and she said 'no'... There was no one of them like that. My ex husband showed up to bring Marcus and he was the only one who reacted saying Oh Hell No! Marcus seemed ok. I felt sexually aroused suddenly... I excused myself back toward my room. On the way down the hall toward my room I found the basement door to my right. Suddenly another ghost opened the door.It was young man-ghost who was dark skinned like an Aztec but was more Caribbean looking. He was wearing a sports jersey, royal blue and jeans, he was tall and said "what's up" like he hasn't seen me in forever... He walked toward the rocking chair, talking to the kids, the lady in white gone. At the door the third ghost appears, a woman dressed as nun from an earlier christian period, she was short, busty, wearing a mask of a Happy Buddha. No ghost went back down, and the last two spoke to the children only.

It felt like it was 2 months

It felt like it was 2 months from now i dreamed of myself waking up one day harly breathing everything was blurry i could hear my heart racing i got up tryed ti reach out of the room suddenly he ( ezzdin) appeared out of nowhere saying : i warned you ,told you to take good care . i was gonna say sthg back but he disappeared i walked all the way through a white hall he appeared again at the end of it's way and stood distant from me the more i walked towards him the further he got i shouted his name but he just stood there staring not saying a word my eyes started bleeding i looked away and the bleeding stopped then i looked at his face again and the blood started pouring from my eyes covering my cheeks leaving drops on the floor the drops turned black and everything started shaking he vanished and i fainted suddenly i wake up in a hospital room hooked up to an oxygen machine he was sitting close silently anyway i look at the left see my mom crying look at the right see my dad wiping sweat off his forehead he seemed desperate i reached my hand to his ( ezzdin) held it tight he smiled slightly and looked me into the eyes then i looked away then i got up smoked a cigarette then took off the stuff that was keeping me alive i walked towards him i fell on my way and my soul left my body but my spirit was still in the room i watched him bend over my corpse to close my eyes then he smiled and whispered you shouldn't have waited so long , ps: ezzedin is the name of the man i love.

I was with an ex-boyfriend at a

I was with an ex-boyfriend at a concert. I was sitting between his legs and he was holding my hand and kissing my forehead. We were just talking and enjoying ourselves and I just felt so in love and very happy. Then all of a sudden we were behind the stage in a lake and we were swimming towards the concert.

I was with an old boyfriend at

I was with an old boyfriend at a concert. I was sitting between his legs and he was holding my hand and kissing my forehead. We were just talking and enjoying ourselves and I just felt so in love and very happy. Then all of a sudden we were behind the stage in a lake and we were swimming towards the concert.

Dream in which i saw a worshipping

Dream in which i saw a worshipping place and lord vishnu there were two women who after worshiping and offering turmeric to lord vishnu applied tilak on their foreheads and then applied on my forehead

I dreamt of lookin into my own

I dreamt of lookin into my own reflection and i had sindoor on my forehead and a red bindi. What does it mean?

I see a very young bright boy

I see a very young bright boy who has a palm on his forehead. He was waving at me with his palm on forehead.

I had a realistic nightmare just an

I had a realistic nightmare just an hour ago. In my dream I was a gym teacher and cheerleader coach when my sister in law called me to ask if i could take my nephew cause she was going to pick my father in law up from the greyhound bus station, I then called my fiancee and asked him how work was and told him we had our nephew with us. I walked into the parking lot and it was a light cloudy day and my sister in law was standing by my said car that was blue so I put my nephew in my car and my sister in law left and i could jus happen to see a figure in the corner of my eye and when i looked a man was charging at me full speed so i locked my car and set the car alarm with my nephew in it i immediately started running away from the car and made it seem like i threw the keys hoping he would stop chasing me when i was tackled and in my dream i woke up in the hospital with a cracked forehead, missing all bottom teeth and the bottom lip of my mouth missing