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An fbi agent was hired to follow

An fbi agent was hired to follow me around because someone want to kill me and i need to be protected. The fbi agent told me to not mind her and continue with my normal everyday life. She said she would always be watching me but would keep her distance. So I decided to go a movie theater with one of my bestfriends. We were sitting watching the movie while eating candy my friend decided to go to the washroom. While she left the agent came up to me and took some candy and placed it in a plastic bag so she could take it to her office for testing. The next day the agent came over to my house with the candy in the bag and a bunch of papers from test she did on the candy. |The agent explained that my friend did not wash her hand after she used the washroom and that I was eating bad candy.

So the dream started by me waking

So the dream started by me waking up and going to school, i got on the bus as usual but the driver only picked up one other person, my female friend ashlynn. We talk the eventually stop. Later i hear her sniffle and i ask her what's wrong. She said something about our friendship (i can't remember exactly what she said) . Later on we're at a store and i hear her sniffle again and i hug her.

There was a big bear with a

There was a big bear with a squirrel walking on its back.......i was with my wife.....i watched the squirrel walk up to the neck area and the bear began to lick the squirrel ....i saw the squirrels hair in its mouth....i left on my bicycle and was met up with later by wife ....i asked her did the bear eat the squirrel and she said no ...but he ate a bird and ate it all.

There was a big bear with a

There was a big bear with a squirrel walking along the bears back.......i was with my wife.....i watched the squirrel walk up to the neck area and the bear began to lick the squirrel ....i saw the squirrels hair in its mouth....i left and was met up with later by wife ....i asked her did the bear eat the squirrel and she said no ...but he ate a bird and ate it all.

There was a big bear with a

There was a big bear with a squirrel walking on its back.......i was with my wife.....i watched the squirrel walk up to the neck area and the bear began to lick the squirrel ....i saw the squirrels hair in its mouth....i left and was met up with later by wife ....i asked her did the bear eat the squirrel and she said no ...but he ate a bird and ate it all.

There was a big bear with a

There was a big bear with a squirrel walking on its back.......iwas with my wife.....i watched the squirrel walk up to the neck are and the bear began to lick the squirrel ....i saw the squirrels hair in its mouth....i left and was met up with by wife later....i saked her did the bear eat the squirrel and she said no ...but he ate a bird and ate it all.

My friend and I lived in our

My friend and I lived in our old elementary school. I was about to go out but my friend told me not to leave. She was scared about something. She told me to look out the window and said that something was about to happen. Then there was a lightning flash and the power went out. My friend was looking out the window and there was a car parked and she said to look at the women in there. The woman in the car started to turn her head but I got scared and woke up

My husband Troy, our special needs son

My husband Troy, our special needs son Ross and I were at some function out of town. We were in some type of room in a hotel. Kinda felt like a holding room as others starting entering in. We discovered that they played us here so they could hand pick those they wanted to be in the audience. A few people figured this out and snock out to see if they could get into the event. My husband was one of them I saw walk through a curtian into the event. My was bothered that he just left us there. Thinking he always gets to do these amazing things. What was hours later the room turned into a room with beds. Troy came back smelling like sex. He confessed saying he didn't have sex but enjoyed other things with beautiful women. He said that he doesn't love me and knows that I'm not going anywhere. I grabbed my son Ross and we walked out of the room. I was so confused as to what he just said to me and unsure where to go as we were in a city I didn't know. The next thing I know a black convertible bow shows up. They say Ian take it so I load Ross and his wheelchair up and slowly drive as it was very crowded. I left the doors open as I wanted to turn the corner and pull over to drop the top but the traffic became so bad. I finally got over and put my hazards on and a woman comes up to me saying I'm going to lose my son for driving with my doors open and that I needed to turn the car in. I was confused and explained to her that I just got it and only drove around the block. She said that Troy had it for days before and I had to get out of it . Than I woke up

I am always talking to my sister

I am always talking to my sister on the phone. We were discussing the classes we are taking this fall. We were exchanging stories about our instructors. She asked what Medical Terminology book I used and I told her Lafleur. I asked her what hers was and she said it's a short course with no flash cards and it's blue. All of a sudden she hands me a thick ,big, bright yellow book hard copy medical terminology book. It was nothing like what either of us was using. We laughed so hard. It was nothing like what either of us was using. I kept telling her you have to have flash cards and take them everywhere you go. I love her laugh.