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I saw large brown striped snakes slither

I saw large brown striped snakes slither into clear brownish water. I pointed them out to an unknown woman. I was not afraid but did not want to go into that water.

I dreamed i was outside in front

I dreamed i was outside in front of my aunt's house and i saw a snake that was black and blue.it slithered away to the back of the house.

A bright green snake slithered up to

A bright green snake slithered up to my arm thought about biting me but didn't as I was hugging my husband the snake moved to his arm, put his mouth around his arm but did not bite him. We were in a house filled partly with water on a raft. The snake swam up the ceiling and we ranted away to get away from it. It chased us slowly

I was waiting in line to check

I was waiting in line to check into a hotel on a road trip with my friends and two men dressed as security guards became scary. One grabbed me from behind and slit my throat causing my death.

I saw a green and black snake

I saw a green and black snake with yellow dots on it and its tongue was flicking at me, looking innocent while it slithered up onto the bed i was laying on 2 days before my 25th b.day after doing sexual acts with my boyfriend

I dreamed of a beautiful garden that

I dreamed of a beautiful garden that was covered with a layer of netting. Within the garden laid a long pink snake with a white head, whose body was curled throughout the garden. The pink snake bobbed his head in and out of the soil. I decided to walk onto the garden bare feet and when I did, my toes got stuck in the netting. As my sisters tried to pull me out, I discovered it wasn't me they were freeing it was someone else. In the meantime, I look over to see this huge black snake slithering in and out of the garden's soil. The black snake than leaves the garden and slithers around a baby, but doesn't eat the baby. Slithers around people but does not cause any harm. Ofcourse, I see the black snake as a threat and tries to shoot the snake. I grab a gun and the gun doesn't go off. I grab another gun points it at the snake but it is just sitting there watching me as if it wanted to die. I shoot the gun, but realize it wasn't me he shot the snake. I woke up.