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U dreamed about having your tonsils taken

U dreamed about having your tonsils taken out seeing the doctor give me anesthesia and falling asleep waking up and walking out the door like nothing had ever happened and walking down the street looking for my husband i could see lots of cars and street lights and hearing Christmas music and then I bumped into a homeless man in a long black cape and that's when I got scared and woke up

I was in a dark room. No

I was in a dark room. No light, no sound, no nothing. Silence. A small little light turned on. I saw myself walking towards the edge of the room, towards it. Suddenly, I walked off the edge. I fell but I didn’t hit the ground. I just kept falling, screaming, but no sound came out. Then, the room did a somersault, and I saw myself on the ground. Suddenly, the room lit up. Grandma was standing next to me. An eerie whirring noise, like you would hear in those Alien-Invasion movies, filled my ears as she walked towards me, reaching out. Poof! She touched me, and disappeared into a cloud of dust. “Grandma!” I screamed, but only me hearing it. The room kept spinning, and everything went completely white.

I was sitting in this dark room

I was sitting in this dark room and all I heard was someone saying my name all creepy like. When they said my name 5 times the lights came on. I was in a very small room almost the size of my closet a little bit bigger. which my closet isn’t that big. When the lights came on my best friend was standing right in front of me. I was tied up so I couldn’t go anywhere or do anything. Then all of a sudden I got the feeling that I was falling. And then I woke up.

While driving I was falling asleep. Everything

While driving I was falling asleep. Everything I could see was as if I was sitting in the drivers seat looking out of the window. I started driving over a bridge and then my view started to pan out, like when you zoom out when taking a photo. I then realized I was going backwards and was then falling off the bridge. I then see myself watching me fall of the bridge. As the car hit the water the image of myself watching it was erased like someone took a pencil and erased me. Then I woke up.

While driving I was falling asleep. Everything

While driving I was falling asleep. Everything I could see was as if I was sitting in the drivers seat looking out of the window. I started driving over a bridge then realized I was going backwards and was then falling off the bridge. I then see myself watching me fall of the bridge. As the car hit the water the image of myself watching it was erased like someone took a pencil and erased me.