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On the first day, I'm walking along

On the first day, I'm walking along narrow path and I come to pass a Mosque where an Imam startles me. He intercepts me, placing his hand on my left shoulder. He impales my shoulder joint with his Tallon and gestures to the Qur'an he is holding. He asks me with hostility: "would you like to hear it in English or Arabic?" To which I answer: "neither" as I free myself from his grip and continue walking briskly. I sense that my audacity has angered him. I look back to gauge my safety and I see the Imam colluding with another person, talking secretly and pointing me out. This other person seems to take instruction and proceeds to follow me. I periodically look back to stay ahead and the person has morphed into the dress of a Catholic priest while having gained some ground on me. I look again and now he is a Presbyterian minister and stalking me like prey. Next glance he is Rabbi and chasing me. Every time I look back the person adorned a different religious attire, many of which were familiar from various Christian denominations I would ordinarily feel comfortable and friendly towards. I manage to stay ahead of the pursuing adversary. The next day I am walking along the same path and approaching the Mosque. I notice that the Mosque looks more like a cathedral and there are no distinguishable features that tell me it is a mosque, however there is no doubt in my mind that it is a Mosque. I become weary that I am nearly at the spot where the Imam cornered me the day earlier, so I look ahead and walk to the edge of the path in hopes to avoid him. Out of nowhere, he intercepts me and impales between my bones with his claw once again. "English or Arabic?" He hisses, as he begins pulling me towards the mosque. "Neither!" I say, as I painfully rip my flesh to get free. Again I briskly walk and am pursued by a shapeshifter. The third and final day I am walking along the narrow path. I have come to expect confrontation as a permanent obstacle. I consider crossing the road to avoid the ordeal, which would be out of my way and slow me down. Then I think to myself "why should I". Why should I make an alteration to my life and routine for such evil? Instead I march fearlessly towards the usual spot. Sure enough, he jumps out hoping to scare me, but I was expecting him. But before he can insert his claw, like a true martyr I offer my shoulder to him with arrogance and willingness to suffer the pain. This robbes him of much satisfaction as latches on. "Which will it be, English or Arabic?" He asks with malice. I look straight into his black eyes and calmly say "of that book I will hear neither, nor any other tongue".

Found snakes in a bedroom. At least

Found snakes in a bedroom. At least four snakes, appear to be harmless corn snakes or king snakes. Grabbed two to take outside (one bites me, but not too bad, but I wonder if it was coral snake instead of king), I think it must be a mating thing. Called for my son to come look, but youngest daughter was the only one to come out. I throw the snakes into the yard. They race off in matching movements, racing across yard, but seem bigger now, and suddenly a huge bigger reptile speeds in, chasing the snakes. I think it was a tagu (big lizard but it was longer). It sped toward the house, then seemed to collide with the foundation of the house under the stairs. It bounded out from there, snapped on daughter's leg and tried to drag her away. I jumped on it, pried the jaws open, and freed Samantha. Went to sleep at around 11p, woke from dream apx 12:20-12:25 am.

Im in love with an older man.

Im in love with an older man. Ive always had a thing for him. But he seems distracted. Yet very much in love with me too. we are in small quarters. almost like a house boat kind of place. im a waitress at a swanky hotel restaurant. he is an owner i think. something is amiss then I wake up from dream

I awake in a different country. Dazed

I awake in a different country. Dazed and lost. No one speaks english. I think its South America. When I awoke I was under a boat. A wooden canoe type boat. I made my way to town with some folks that offered a ride. I was then in an apartment building. I didnt know anyone. People were bad and scary. Lots of kids. Building looked like it had been through a storm a bad storm and was torn apart. I was trying to find my family.

I was back home, in a dark

I was back home, in a dark house. The basement door swung open with force and through the darkness, a male figure emerged wearing overalls. The person was invisible and came up to me and embraced me. I was apprehensive and yet the presence seemed familiar. I think I was in my mother's, mother's house. It as an old house, full of the past.

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I was visiting my sister in Manhattan

I was visiting my sister in Manhattan with the boys and she took us to this tiny little school desk and said she was moving there. Then she showed me a house that was falling apart and said Eddie was living there and it was a wreck and you decided it was time to separate. Then she told me she bought two horses and couldn't wait to show them to us. I literally said in the dream, how can you live here? And she were like, I just rented it. And the other house was falling down, like no roof and shit! And you were saying how Eddie got a good deal on it but she was like nope And he was going to fix it up but she didn't think that would ACTUALLY happen. She took me into the attic and said see, they don't even have legal light bulbs!

I had a dream that I was

I had a dream that I was back in my home country and that I had a white baby boy with beautiful blue eyes the father was a dear friend but when I was meeting his mother I was thinking that this friend doesn’t know that the baby isn’t his then when I went to the baby he was in an orphanage while sleeping next to him I started seeing a lot of bugs around me huge ugly bugs

I have been a widow for over

I have been a widow for over a year after 55 years I have difficulty coming to terms with this I dream't the other night my husband came to me wrapped his arms round me and held me tight it was wonderful but now I cannot think of it or tell anyone because i get so upset what does this dream mean