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I was on holiday with the girls.

I was on holiday with the girls. We were in a pub and were quite drunk. When we left one of my friends was in front of me and the others were quite a bit behind us. We walked through a gate and I dropped something. When I bent down to pick it up a hand grabbed my neck from behind. I tried to shout on my friend in front but felt like I couldn't talk and was suffocating. I woke up shouting out her name.

I was on holiday in england with

I was on holiday in england with my family, when we saw rowing boats on their way to new york and decided to row there. There was a large collection on rowing boats sailing together, and one giant ship floating alongside which held food. My sister was aboard this ship when disaster struck, but I saved her. Soon we were in New York, but my parents were drunk so I caught up with my friends, who suggested we go shopping. However, I soon found that I had lost all of my money and I began to cry. Also, I was bitterly disappointed by new york, which turned out to be dull. At this point I tried to find my parents, but my phone had no signal and the phone box didn't work. In the end I found them and we swam to a bar, where I was alerted by loud ringing.

Was at a party in the church

Was at a party in the church hall and ended up with Vicky Philbin. I couldn't go home and was drunk, so she drove us through lots of countryside hills to a rural pub. I had a meal of a fish cake, a piece of fish and chips. As we were eating her dad showed up and yelled at her for being there.

Dreamed i was in a car with

Dreamed i was in a car with my friend and her husband we were hit my a drunk driver and her husband died

I'm semi-unconscious in the bathroom with my

I'm semi-unconscious in the bathroom with my head laying down in the sink. My mouth is bleeding and I've tried to get help from my brother but no one responds initially. Eventually when I'm weaker I think my brother has come to help me but in fact it is someone else - a paramedic maybe - who places all his fingers in my mouth and releases more blood from my mouth into the sink and this then revives me a little more. I come around enough to walk but I'm trying to get somewhere but I cannot think straight nor walk straight, it's as though I'm drunk even though I'm not.

I fell asleep and dreamed that I

I fell asleep and dreamed that I was a frog human. I went to the watering hole on the top story in my frog castle to relax in a pool of water and eat flies but a monkey human was hiding in the water. I was a bit drunk for some reason and apparently still a virgin cause the monkey human raped me. In my dream I said, "I realized later he hadn't been entirely successful because he never broke the hymen" (Ew). It was as if I were recounting events to someone. The monkey was later in my kitchen and told me that he was a she him and hadn't got pregnant as expected. I told it that it wasn't nice to use diet coke as a tool for sex. I thought I was a virgin? We didn't discuss diet coke for pleasure. I felt sorry for it. Then someone knocked at my door and I was in my apartment and human again. The man was knocking on all doors but came back to me and kissed me. Then Miranda showed up and I said I was getting drunk.

I was in a mansion SAS house

I was in a mansion SAS house on a trip. me and boyfriend had a big room. had sex. went to the toilet there was wee on the floor. boys running around. went to other toilet there was a big window and people watching me. couldn't wee. president walked in. walked back to room with a soaking wet towel. threw the towel then saw there was cctv. worried headmistress would see. back in room had loud music on and sex again went to a big hall and ate food in a restaurant with mine and boyfriends family. got drunk. decided to go to south of france on the beach. went in another big hall, trying to swallow pills kept getting stuck in throat

I had a dream of my dead

I had a dream of my dead uncle he died 3 years ago in a car crash... he was drunk and swerved off the road.