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Dreams inside the database entered to be analyzed and interpreted - search dreams containing symbols of your dream

I walk into a bank for a

I walk into a bank for a job interview at night. The bank sells bras and underwear right in the middle of the bank. I buy a bra for six dollars before my interview. I am told to go down a dark hallway into a small dark office, that looks like a clost, lighted only by computer monitors. A middle-aged Asian woman greets me while she is sitting at her desk, typing and prints me an employee I. D. card in the color lime green that begins with the number twenty-two. I ask her why did I get an I. D. if I haven't been interviewed. She says I'm hired automatically and that I will meet with my boss next. I walk down a hallway made of clear glass that lets me look in to an office with operators or telemarketers right in the middle. Further down I could see the boss in another glass office waiting for me. The boss is an old, fat man with a cheery smile. I instantly feel comfortable and know that he likes my personality. He begins asking me what schedule will work for me.

I was in the car with my

I was in the car with my baby daddy and de car lost control and he jumped out i jumped out after him bt he was mostly injured and the car fell on top of him

Dreamt of husband with prostitute. Prostitute came

Dreamt of husband with prostitute. Prostitute came to our home.and husband was mesmerized by her. He followed her everywhere she went. Then, she wanted to have sex with him. Thought told me to say nothing. He left with her and they had sex. She left and came back later. He left with her. They got caught. He was put to shame. She was very angry because she lost everything she had for being with my husband.

I went to a bar with my

I went to a bar with my boyfriend and we had an argument because My handbag got stolen I remember a big truck with wheels and I smashed my phone screen and lost my passport