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It felt like it was 2 months

It felt like it was 2 months from now i dreamed of myself waking up one day harly breathing everything was blurry i could hear my heart racing i got up tryed ti reach out of the room suddenly he ( ezzdin) appeared out of nowhere saying : i warned you ,told you to take good care . i was gonna say sthg back but he disappeared i walked all the way through a white hall he appeared again at the end of it's way and stood distant from me the more i walked towards him the further he got i shouted his name but he just stood there staring not saying a word my eyes started bleeding i looked away and the bleeding stopped then i looked at his face again and the blood started pouring from my eyes covering my cheeks leaving drops on the floor the drops turned black and everything started shaking he vanished and i fainted suddenly i wake up in a hospital room hooked up to an oxygen machine he was sitting close silently anyway i look at the left see my mom crying look at the right see my dad wiping sweat off his forehead he seemed desperate i reached my hand to his ( ezzdin) held it tight he smiled slightly and looked me into the eyes then i looked away then i got up smoked a cigarette then took off the stuff that was keeping me alive i walked towards him i fell on my way and my soul left my body but my spirit was still in the room i watched him bend over my corpse to close my eyes then he smiled and whispered you shouldn't have waited so long , ps: ezzedin is the name of the man i love.

So last night I had a dream

So last night I had a dream that I saw my ex girlfriend of 6 months at a restaurant. (Like a Denny's or Red Lobster) I tried to shield my kid brother and direct him passed her but I gave in and started talking to her. She seemed to try and not pay me any attention. Almost annoyed; and she looked different from what I remembered, almost older and a tad bit ugly. (Like an anorexic chain smoker of 40 years look.) It kinda fuzzy but I think I told her that im sorry and that I still loved her and her new Boyfriend who I never met and for some reason was Asian appeared. He didn't say anything just was silent behind her left shoulder.He had this aura about him as if he wanted to fight me. She then began to tell me when I feel the emotional pain, when I cant go any longer when I get so low to the point of me wanting to kill myself, then I will know or understand. O.o I woke up this morning and I was almost late to class. Any help?

I saw that my brother was smoking

I saw that my brother was smoking and saw him and went to him and smoked with him and then my father didn't do anything to him but shout on me and also told me that he wont gave me the car anymore and i just cry over and over

I was in a public park living

I was in a public park living rough but running dance practices. I had all my stuff around me in boxes and my car was parked under some trees. Even though I was living rough I had this thought that I could just go home. During the dance practice a group of men came into the park. They were criminals. I exchanged pleasantries with one of them and then he stubbed out his cigarette on my left arm. I didn't make a noise and he said he was impressed. They then disappeared. There were two women with me and one of them smoked. She laid on top of me and asked for money for cigarettes but I said I didn't have any. A group of people walked into the park carrying beach tows and deck chairs. i stood up and said where's my car. I ran to the bank of the pond and saw my car floating away. I shouted and tried to get it but the pond turned into a lake and the car was further away I ran along the bank and the lake turned into the sea and my was very far away banging against rocks as it floated out to sea

I dreamed that I was living in

I dreamed that I was living in a second floor apartment. I was informed by the landlord that I would have to move down to another apartment on the first floor. I was laying down on a red sofa and I was covered with a lavander blanket. The sofa was up against the fireplace and I felt the wall which was warm. I told the man and woman who were in the apartment with me that I felt fire and they told me to get out. I started to pack my designer shoes, bras, underware and clothing. I had a birkin bag and then put two of my dogs in there and was looking for a leash for the third dog. I managed to get most of my stuff out of the apartment when I saw lots and lots of smoke. When I came back, the apartment was on fire and burnt everything to the ground.

I dreamt I was in a hotel

I dreamt I was in a hotel full of ice with my brother in law and sister in law. They started to smoke cigarettes. Then I was in an office building and I had to fill a water bottle for a lady and I kept having to walk from one room to the next and was lost.

I was at a party with my

I was at a party with my girlfriend and friends and we were playing cards with Eastern European gypsy old ladies. I didn't know how to play and every time it was my turn, they would laugh at me, but in a nice way. To my left was my girlfriend and to the right was my ex-girlfriend. Every time my ex walked past me she would pinch me or pull my hair, so my girlfriend was starting to get annoyed and left. I eventually left to go find her and ran into my friend who wanted to introduce me to this guy in a band but I was too focused on finding my girlfriend to really speak to him. When I found her, she was in bed and angry with me, wearing a chastity belt. Next, I was walking in a park that looked like a mix between the Parisian Monceau and Luxembourg parks with my girlfriend, brother and friend. We were smoking a joint. When my friend smoked it, he would take two steps then exhale like a dragon, sending a huge puff of smoke into the air. Then my mom came and laughed at us and asked if we need a ride home. On the way to the car, my brother and mom crossed a bridge over a really deep but clear river with huge goldfish in it. The bridge was really rickety so my girlfriend and I decided we don't want to cross it, and went around another way. We turned around to go the other way and had to walk up a hill where we passed a big sandstone building where the Sacre Coeur was, but now it's not the Sacre Coeur. My girlfriend and I were walking up the steps of the building and there was a really proper English woman giving etiquette lessons to two little girls who weren't listening and just running around, playing with a lamb. We walked close to them to another building. As we walked around the building, we encountered an African tribe. The members were all holding tupperware full of tomato sauce. A little kid in the tribe dropped his tupperware and the sauce went everywhere right as we walk past him. There was an awkward silence and then he started shouting and apologizing in an African language. Then a few other people threw their tupperware down and started shouting, in a way to say it's okay to the kid. We started to help the kid clean up but we weren't sure if that was okay, and if he was supposed to be doing it himself, but we help him anyway.