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I was in the pool with two

I was in the pool with two children I didn't know and they were okay swimmers. All of a sudden the one child dropped to the bottom of the pool and started drowning and I couldn't get to him as fast as I wanted, then the other dropped and started drowning. I woke up screaming with my heart pounding.

I was sitting by a large outdoor

I was sitting by a large outdoor swimming pool with my 3yo daughter and our 2 dogs. First I noticed a crocodile in the corner of the pool then suddenly there were 3 or 4 on top of each other at the edge of the pool. I called my daughter away and then called the dogs repeatedly before putting them on their leads. I woke up scared and unable to go back to sleep.

Last night I dreamt of Corfu more

Last night I dreamt of Corfu more importantly I was there with my dad and he was getting ready for a swim I looked in the wardrobe not much of my close where their but I knew I could make do I was so happy being there the sun was shining and I could wait to get changed and go for a swim in the pool with my dad

I showed up at a pier and

I showed up at a pier and it was stormy, but i stayed anyway. It got sunny out and i Started fishing off of the pier. I couldn't catch any fish, but i could see all of the fish swimming around below the pier. I tried using a lobster pot and by the end of the dream I finally caught a fish. I let the fish go tough

Had another weird dream last night... It

Had another weird dream last night... It started with relief society we were all camping out in this building thing and it was around general conference and they told us to pick our spots and get ready to watch general conference with our spouses. Then I sat down on our air mattress that had a quilt on it feeling like we got the best spot . then the room filled up with everyone's families and water came in and started rising they said anyone who tries to swim up or anything will be stuffed. And it was like a worse death than actually drowning because they would shove like a pillow or material down your throat. And it was worse because it meant your soul wouldn't have access to anywhere else. Anyway, there was a few people that tried to swim up and someone threw a rock at them and knocked them out and they sunk again, when they did they landed in a auditorium chair. And we're viewing everything from the side. So there are rows of these chairs just like jn a movie theater and we can see everything as if youre next to it. I'm still sitting in the same spot. The water hasn't reached us yet for some reason but I told mike something definitely wasn't right. Then it turned out that this was a monthly event. Where families and couples were selected and had to participate. And considered it an honor. Some people drugged their kids to prevent them from floating up however instinctually the kids knew and so one girl she had a knife and cut through this body thing she was in to try and survive even though she was drugged. She could hardly move and just had a blank face. So the dad took the razr knife thing and threw it away from them. Then picked up her baby brother. And started peeling off his eyelid. The kid wasn't even bothered just uncomfortable I assume he was drugged too. Then mike stood up and said we still have to finish something before we participate that it was wish not that he agreed but it was the only thing they honored. What he told them was we had to finish remodelling our bathroom Lol. They let us know. Our house was like in this super clear lake like a little lake house surrounded by trees. Anyway he bathroom finished. Ppl came for us telling u we need to participate. Then something about these dolls who only have a limited lifespan as well to coincide with these regulations. It was sad and kinda creepy..

Me and my family lived in our

Me and my family lived in our old house. My mother said we'd have guests soon, and I went out for a walk. The scenery was normal, yet there was something odd in it. It felt surreal, the forest was like one from a fairy tale. It waa already late, and I was about to go home, but suddenly I felt like I have to go to the bridge near our old house. I ran, and when I arrived I noticed an otter-like creature, but I realised it's a muskrat. It swam on the right side at first, and I rushed to get its attention, but it already swam under the bridge and to the left side, where the water was a lot higher than on the right side which was nearly dry. I saw the muskrat swimming very near the surface, and suddenly it turned into a little girl. She didn't feel human but she looked like one. I talked with her a while, and before going home I said "bring the otters next time!". I went home and it was already dark. I looked into the mirror in our hall, and noticed I had huge scratch marks on my cheeks. I remembered my cheeks being itchy all day. My mom saw them too, and started to clean them up. It didn't sting at all.

I am driving a truck I had

I am driving a truck I had 27 years ago around a local lake and the road became ver narrow and on a cliff. I could not make the corner and flew off the road and landed in the middle of the lake. It was a sunny day and the water was very blue. The door to the truck was open and I could not decide if I should try and swim for shore or just go down with the truck.

I dreamt about a black snake comes

I dreamt about a black snake comes out of the swimming pool and chasing me but I did cut off his back its just the head that chasing me and bites me but somehow am still fine

I was at my cottage with my

I was at my cottage with my family, we were all swimming. when i went under then came back up, my family had disappeared. then sirens started, i got out of the water then suddenly a man i don't recognize motioned for me to follow him. he led me to this old green fort at my cottage, he then made me sit down. then left as a tornado started ripping through the forest. I had this recurring dream for weeks.