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Recent dreams containing ocean page 19

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I was at the ocean , with

I was at the ocean , with a crush , we kissed , I saw Dolphins . The sky was pink , orange and yellow .

You entered: I am on a phone

You entered: I am on a phone talking to my boss,while I am on a Oil tanker that breaks in the middle. I am on the bow which goes up and I slam under the ocean. Next I am in a lighthouse on small rock island. I got chased up the stairs by zombies where there is a metal door with a large bolt that I lock. I am safe and there is an old metal pail and nothing else in the room.

I was at the beach with friends

I was at the beach with friends and I see my ex and her best friend. We don't say anything at first and I continue to just be at the beach with my friends she then walks up with her friend and son who I haven't seen in over a year. They are standing next to me. Her best friend gives me a high five and starts talking to me. I start to eat an apple and my ex takes it from me and says "that looks plump" and takes a bite. Then hands it back and walks away. Comes back with her own apple and I take it and eat it. Then I show off and dive into the ocean and ride the waves.

Tree limbs being cut off, the smaller.

Tree limbs being cut off, the smaller. Limbs fall to the ground and the bigger limbs ascend into clouds that are a ocean blue sea of electricity..

Last night I had the driving and

Last night I had the driving and flying dream. It started off with me driving on a very bumpy road straight up in the sky and over the ocean. I immediately became aware that I was dreaming and said out loud..."oh no, not this dream again". After I said that I had control over the dream and decided to drive off of the side of the road and over the ocean. For some reason I knew that I would begin to fly if I did this. So then I was blissfully flying over the ocean at night and the sky was full of stars and reflecting off of the ocean. And I was telling God out loud how beautiful it was. Then suddenly I couldn't move my arms anymore to fly and started to fall into the ocean. As I hit the surface of the ocean my hand swung down and splashed myself in the face. I felt every ounce of the cold water and it immediately woke my up from my dream. Thoughts? Thank you.