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For the first time last night I

For the first time last night I had a dream about cockroaches landing on my hair and some getting caught in my bra and when I brushed them away inbetween my breasts were sore and bloody.

I was in a house with my

I was in a house with my deceased grandfather looking for somebody missing and I found a photo album of pictures of cult members bloody beds and me and my loved ones randomly throughout the years and as I get to the back of the photo album there are pictures of them performing a satanic ritual

My fiance tied me to a chair

My fiance tied me to a chair while I was pregnant with his baby and he started hammering nails in my body leaving me bloody and wounded with inflicted pain. There were wounds and sores from the nails and I was picking them out of myself. when I asked why he was doing so he laughed at me and told me because it's fun

My fiance tied me to a chair

My fiance tied me to a chair while I was pregnant with his baby and he started hammering nails in my body leaving my body bloody and wounded with inflicted pain. There were wounds and sores from the nails and I was picking them out of my body. when I asked why he was doing so he laughed at me and told me because it's fun

I was in the same setting as

I was in the same setting as my brother’s video game. It was in a very scary house, and it had dull lighting. I was trying to get out of the house because an old lady was chasing me. Every turn led further away from the door, or so it seemed. When I got to the front door, a bloody man told me to follow him because he would help me escape. I questioned him because he was right in front of my exit, but I followed him anyways. He led me right to the old lady, and right as she walked towards me, the dream ended.