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In my dream it was after the

In my dream it was after the coming cryptocurrency crash and the streets were filled with former crypto-bros dressed as little girls and turning tricks to survive. The Dogecoin bro-hoes were the saddest of the sex working suckers as they were only patronized by the very sleaziest and most perverted johns (for obvious reasons). It was a funny dream.

I was on a tube on the

I was on a tube on the lake with a big group of people and everything was great. We were having a good time. Everyone but me had fallen off of the tube at least once. After that I started zoning out and we were going really fast. The next thing I saw we had crashed into land. Once I came out of my daze I realized that the rest of the group was gone. I then heard someone coming and I saw that it was the driver of the boat. He had killed the rest of the group and I was the only one left. I found an open gate and I ran through it going deeper into the woods. The murderer was close behind but he hadn’t seen me yet. I kept running and he was following and yelling things. It was scary. I woke up before he could get to me.

I was tubing with a big group

I was tubing with a big group of people and everything was great. We were having a good time. Everyone but me had fallen off of the tube at least once. After that I started zoning out and we were going really fast. The next thing I saw we had crashed into land. Once I came out of my daze I realized that the rest of the group was gone. I then heard someone coming and I saw that it was the driver of the boat. He had killed the rest of the group and I was the only one left. I found an open gate and I ran through it going deeper into the woods. The murderer was close behind but he hadn’t seen me yet. I kept running and he was following and yelling things. It was scary. I woke up before he could get to me.

I had a dream where I was

I had a dream where I was shot into space but got stuck up there. It only felt like I was up there for a little bit but I crash landed in my own backyard and it was 10 years in the future. My girlfriend was married to someone else and my friends were all dead or in different states. The technology was super advanced and all of my favorite entertainers had retired.

I had a fucking wack dream where

I had a fucking wack dream where i murdered the joker and tried to become the new joker and there was a police chase through a series of tunnels but then i escaped and started driving away but like 200 miles later or something, i was trying to get to the border, i crashed into an oil -- distillery? i dont know what they're called. And the owners were like you need to pay us a million dollars or give us your insurance shit and i was like oh no im a wanted criminal, there is literally-- im on the national news and the only reason they dont know me is because this is a hick town, and there was a fair in town and my partner in crime idk who they were just suggested something like "if you win it all from fair prizes you dont need to produce a license to get a job :)" and so we started trying to win money, first at an eating contest, but we passed an ad for a five mile run where the top time was 10 minutes for five miles and i was like "oh no they had a speedster who's holding back, or some kind of super soldier-- if they know who i am--" then i woke up

Me my mum had a car crash

Me my mum had a car crash and I fell in the water and got lost. I meet a young boy who is 18 years old, and I got pregnant with two kid.