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Dreams inside the database entered to be analyzed and interpreted - search dreams containing symbols of your dream

Went to wedding wear the brides were

Went to wedding wear the brides were blindfolded, we had to sit in a square and say a sentence about ourselfs i wasnt inviteded to the wedding so didnt have to say a sentence. did the konga my friend was in a light blue bow tie, we decided to go to bed but then changed our minds and went back to the party and did cocktail flareing

Why I dream about I am cheek

Why I dream about I am cheek in in the hotel then want to cheek out because my son is on the school, and my brother is working as a constration in hong kong. What is that mean?

I was walking in the church. Naghubad

I was walking in the church. Naghubad daw ako pati skirt. Mccr daw ako pero nakarating ako sa alma mater kong elemetary. Alam daw nli na lesbian ako. May isang scene na nakatakip daw ako ng bibig kasi alam kong mabaho raw bibig ko. Napanaginipan ko yung teacher ko nung elementary. Si Mrs Bulos. Sya ata kausap ko

Last night I had a dream that

Last night I had a dream that a King Kong type animal had invaded my living residence. I was trying to capture the gigantic ape or at least run it out of our town with some help of another person(I believe the person with me was a family member but not sure who). I had multiple huge obstacles that this animal kept throwing at me. The number one obstacles were gigantic piles of poop. I kept sliding in it. I was disgusted with the smell and kept finding gigantic piles of poop everywhere(inside and outside of my residence). I was exhausted and furious while chasing this animal and at times I was trying to get away from it because I also felt threatened.

Female and Male are at some Island

Female and Male are at some Island place trying to discover their roots, some sort of mystery about their history. Adam and friends brother bike ride together. Adam feels a part of things. Then Female and Male each find a red flower. Looks like a red tulip. The flowers are almost identical to each other, they compare them to a painting they have of what the flower they were looking for is supposed to look like and its clear that its a match. The drawing is in black and white but the tulips are red. Adam is lurking nearby as he has just come up the mountain, female and male call out his name as realize he is lurking behind them. They know Adam feels left out. They know he is dangerous because his ex-girlfriend has told them over a phone call that Adam has a gun and wants to kill. Male asks, does he wants to kill us both. His ex-girlfriend says no, just the female. At this point I know the male is Jon and I'm the female who Adam wants to kill. There is a point where we are running from him in an empty auditorium. The mountain that we're on with flowers is suddenly a building that is trying to lock us down and everyone inside is trying to get us. Jon kicks open the door which is like a heavy school door and we run outside. there is a cop in the dark courtyard. The cop was our friend of ours but is now dressed as a cop and trying to shoot at us. His gun is jammed. We are running to the barbed wire fence, we find a place where there isn't barbed wire on the top of the fence and I'm on Jon's back like he's King Kong and he crawls up the fence and as he's taking us to safety I know the cops gun could unjam at any moment and he could kill us. We make it to the other side without cop successfully shooting us. We start running. We come across a Norwegian girl in a paddle-car, like a paddle boat type car where its propelled by her feet. We ask her if she knows a taxi's number. She says yes but that she likes her car. We tell her its for us, not for her. She shouts out a taxi number which I memorize. We're still running, we pass 3 guys in the street, one with a bowl of chanukah gelt for people to take as they pass. As we're running by I'm wondering if he has milk chocolate gelt in the bowl. I look in the bowl and see the mesh bags with silver coins, so i know they're dark chocolate, they I see the orange mesh bags which mean there is milk chocolate. I take a bag and ask if he knows a taxi number, he shouts one out but i dont think I'm able to memorize all the numbers cuz hes shouting them as we're running away. A street cleaner truck is barreling down the block right where we're running on the edge of street, he could kill us with the street cleaner truck running us down but he makes a u-turn because hes not able to complete his street clean with us in the way. I wake up around here. Felt like Jon was the hero in this movie of a dream and he saved us and carried me to safety, running away from the killer, anxious. A nightmare-hero dream.