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I worked on a project with rose

I worked on a project with rose Reid and then she kissed me. Band and showchoir were rehearsing and I hooked up with a boy in a hidden area during show choir's rehearsal, and then I tried to get Terry Reid to come hookup with me there but we didn't want his friends to see him come in. Marie Howell gave me beads for secret Santa and Sarah dobrzynsky tried to claim them as hers and I told her they were mine and then she said Marie gave me a crappy gift. I had to drive 2 people home but I couldn't find my red Prius in the huge high school parking lot and I saw Lauren from work on the way to find my car and we chatted.

I dream of a bear falling from

I dream of a bear falling from the sky and when it hit the ground it was a bomb so we ran just befor it blew up but there was another bear that was runing away in the wood



I'm walking through a bright forest. The

I'm walking through a bright forest. The trees seem to shine in the summer light and the grass is soft against my feet. In my arms is my little cousin. she is in a green shirt with grey shorts on and surrounding me are the people I care about. My 'family' of sorts. My best friend and the person I love is standing on my right. She in in a baby blue dress that looks like the sky. Indigo mixes with the dress giving it a beautiful shade. My younger sister is on my left in a dark purple blouse lined with dark blue. She is wearing black jeans and her hair is flowing in the small breeze. She is laughing with my cousin. My cousin is in a white dress with a yellow ribbon around the waist and her hair is in a pony tail. In front of us, leading the way is my other cousin, and he is wearing a red dress shirt with blue jeans. He makes his way through a small arch created by two trees who's branches twist together and make a pathway. We each enter it and I take notice I am wearing. It's a simple white dress with orange on the straps and a orange ribbon around the waist. I am holding my baby cousin in one arm and in the other a blanket. My cousin puts down the basket he was holding and takes his sister from me as I set out the blanket. We begin to eat and talk, enjoying time together. Time passes quickly and soon we start swimming in a lake nearby. It took up about 1/3 of the meadow and glistened in the sun. I am sitting with my best friend on the blanket when I hear a shot. Looking around frantically I see my sister fall in the water and red pool around her. My cousin who was standing near her screams her head off and runs to my sister through the water only for another shot to sound and her fall. By this time me and my other two cousins are trying to get together but my baby cousin trips and is gunned down. Me my friend and cousin are all together and crying when we start to run. Just as another shot sounds my cousin ducks in front of my friend and takes the bullet for her. We mourn for him but soon start running. We are now lost in the woods and cannot get out and I feel a tugging on my arms to see my friend with a hole in her stomach. I weep as she fades away and start running. Darkness comes and soon a blood red moon rises in the sky. I once again feel pulling but as my arms, legs and dress. I look around to see the dead corpses of everybody pulling at me. Old cut scars now are bleeding and my blood mixes with theirs. I start screaming and crying before becoming weak and letting myself fall into their clutches and waking up after hearing the familiar shout of a gun-shot.

My friend Sara and I were sitting

My friend Sara and I were sitting on the mountains and all of the sudden I wanted to take a picture of the sky because it was so beautiful and as I was taking the picture this plane is coming and so I'm waiting for it to pass so I can get a picture but it ends up getting closer and closer and it ends up crashing and I thought that it the sky so much prettier because it had the dark pink and orange and then grey from the smoke but it was so scary at the same time. And then the plane exploded and somehow the debris was sent so far that it hit me and it was this giant fiery hunk of metal but after it hit me I just stood up and was telling people how I saw that plane crash and explode and tried showing them the burn marks that I could feel on me but the marks weren't showing. And the last part I remember of it was asking Sara to send me the pictures I took.

My dream start I was walking outside

My dream start I was walking outside In I see my older kid Michael the I was at home with my kids and my ex In was dying of cancer as I was talking to my ex lying down in bed I passed away but I resurrected the next day in as I was walking outside around the.house these female neighbors saw me in run scare then the male neighbors see me in also run scare then I was inside my house.with the same neighbors in they where fine with me been resurrected so I starter playing with the male neighbors which he was older with long with hair we where playing with the water hose then I run outside welling to the sky telling god thank u god as I do these the stars starring dancing and forming triangle's and squares the horoscope sign then I go inside the house in as I walk in I see in abundance of food and other material things the I see these big glass cabinet with battles of wine of different kind and different places

Dreamt about this exclusive bar that looks

Dreamt about this exclusive bar that looks like a pirate ship floating high in the sky, and it requires those who want to get to it to climb up a really, really, really tall ladder. I tried climbing it, but alas, I woke up before getting to the top.

I had a dream where I was

I had a dream where I was at work and couldn't get my work done. While I was there I witnessed a man with a parachute dropping out of the sky and struck by lightening and he landed right by the window I was looking out of. I also had a dream the same night about a giant man named the hulk walking around the street.

I was in the washroom, and when

I was in the washroom, and when I went out, there was an infinite sky. No floor. I jumped to a floating stool, and landed on it. There was a platform, but it was too far away, so I jumped off the stool.