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I was talking to someone who was

I was talking to someone who was trying to make me understand that I should stop masturbating, then disappeared. Instead of her was written "I am YOU". Then I asked the other person, and said that I should have more sexual intercourse. And said that I was jewish.

I was with my dad, outside the

I was with my dad, outside the house, we talked about time..I asked him if Time walks? Or does it flow with us? Does it does from past to future? Or from future to past? He said from past to future, i asked him how do you know? He thought hard about the question and couldnt answer me

I saw that I was going out

I saw that I was going out of the place and then I kept Mata Saraswati picture and Lord krishna in my books bag in the hurrying

I saw that I was going out

I saw that I was going out of the place and then I kept maa Saraswati and Lord krishna in my books bag in the hurrying

My uncle was driving us to his

My uncle was driving us to his house,instead of calling him uncle, I called him father,and I asked to visit his son on the last day we traditionally clean tombstones, he thought about it and said how about I sleep "front opposite" to his house and when I contemplated it for too long, he laughed

I had a dream with my ex.

I had a dream with my ex. Husband and my mother-in-law. They were in my home and I was vacuing. And under my rug, there were maggots. And my mother-in-law said oh, you have a Dyson and my ex. Husband said oh mom. Don't worry when I go over there. I'm gonna buy you one When I go see you in puerto rico I also dream with my best friend that they were Going Out and I said to her. I'm not going to that place, cause I'm gonna bump into my ex. Husband he's always there