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My ex is trying to kill me

My ex is trying to kill me & current boyfriend with a rifle seeing us walking home from work. he starts chasing us while trying to kill us. He shoots boyfriend first. I yell out to get down, ex missed shot to boyfriend head by an inch as result. Ex shoots & hits me while I call for help. laying on ground, police car speeding towards me and boyfriend jumps out, start to run toward me. That’s when I woke up. Bf in dream is only friend in life but been wondering how to tell when to advance too relationship stage, and also nervous to do so after multiple very abusive relationships(couple were life threatening)

I'm transferring to a new school where

I'm transferring to a new school where I knew only one person who I don't know in my real life. I can see always a group of dogs chasing a boy frequently and he warned me at the end to go from that school since the dogs can attack me as well since I'm new there.

Ronald Mcondald was outside walking, and then

Ronald Mcondald was outside walking, and then cracked his head at me. I was looking through my bedroom window, and then got teleported outside.I could feel the ground and the wind, and the clown started chasing me. It felt so real, and then I was teleported back into my bedroom. I didn’t move, nor breathe, but I could hear breathing behind me. I turned to see the clown, smiling at me. He looked at me as some creepy music started playing, and his eyes went from normal to white, and then pushes me underneath my bed. It all got silent. It started again, only this time I heard footsteps, and then the clown out one hand down, then the next, and cracked his head toward me.” Try again buddy.” Then it felt it I fell, and woke up screaming. This has happened for 2 nights, the exact same thing.

I dreamed that there was this war

I dreamed that there was this war happening and that I was much more involved than I am in the war now In class we would have drills pertaining to the war. It was really scary. So all the freshmen and sophomores went on this trip and Sue and I were left behind. So when the trip returned everyone sought to create everyone's worst nightmare. All these people were chasing me and trying to shoot me, which I guess is my worst nightmare. I ran into my house, which was like the Order of the Phoenix in Harry Potter. Mr. Bailey was there with a palette of nail polish, trying to communicate some code to me. But I couldn't figure it out. So then I escaped to a kind of vineyard where Sue's worst fear was being realized. Her worst fear was that everyone had found out some secret about her. So there were all these freshmen and sophomores tormenting her in the trees of the vineyard, saying things like, "We know, Sue..." and then I remember one of them saying "We know about Abbylius," (I just made that name up in my dream) and then I woke up.

Evil upper echelons of a secret societial

Evil upper echelons of a secret societial manner kidnapped me and held me on an island in an underground basement. I tried to escape but I never can it's always a maze and someone chasing me.