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I was going to some place with

I was going to some place with my cousin. My cousin went into a different direction and told me to meet her at a location. When I went there, my cousin disappeared and then I ended up at an ice skating rink. I saw an old friend from high school who I wasn’t that close to or who I haven’t thought about in years where she asked me if I wanted to skate. While talking to her, I felt the presence of my ex boyfriend there even though I couldn’t see him. I told my former friend I don’t know how to ice skate and then my ex boyfriend came closer to me and asked me what it is that I don’t know while smiling at me. And I think a voice in the back of my head said he wanted to give us a second chance. We started walking and a few seconds later we saw my family and they had a baby with them. My ex boyfriend carried the baby as he was being told how to calm the baby down and help it burp. As he was holding the baby’s hand, his other hand was resting on my forearm while my hands were folded. My mom noticed his hand resting on my forearm and I am not sure what she was thinking but a voice in the back of my head said I don’t want her to misunderstand. Then they disappeared. Then I was walking with my family somewhere again and I saw some big boxes. One that didn’t have an address and might have belonged to me because of the way my family addressed the box’s presence by saying it cannot be sent somewhere. And one that had my current friend’s name written on it and the contents of the box included prosperity and dreams and then I rolled the box into her teaching classroom and woke up.

There is an alley full of shops

There is an alley full of shops of goldsmiths and workers. Next to that is a vertical mine, about the width of a pipe. It's full of star and heart shaped sand and dust. I end up at the entrance and enter for n apparent reason. I squeeze in, it's very dark and narrow and it feels like I can't breath anymore. My throat dries up completely. There is sand and rocks all around me, yet still I try to traverse that narrow, suffocating tunnel by crawling. Then the air gets so thin and I can't breathe. But still I manage to get to relatively open space, and I breathe in all the dust. I choke. But then I see a crevice in front of me with a natural magnetic stone because priceless coins are sticking to it. I pick up some of these coins and somehow manage to get out, I don't know how. Once I get out, I'm out of breath but well enough. I can see a hill behind me, and a very small hole. That's where I came out from, I think to myself. I get up and start walking back home, but I meet up with a family member on my way back. They ask me if I'm doing well. I just hold up my hands and tell them that I got them stars. Because the star shaped sand from inside in sticking to my palms. They get very happy and ask me where I always got it from. I just smile and then I faint, ending up back home. Then I wake up distressed

I've recently had recurring dreams of my

I've recently had recurring dreams of my family being dead and several years later, the moment I leave my home before my marriage ceremony, I realize that I am leaving the home alone with no one on my side, feels like everyone left me, making me heartbroken. What could this mean to me? Am I feeling stressed or depressed or going through some emotional turmoil?

Cheating on my boyfriend with somebody I

Cheating on my boyfriend with somebody I wanted to be with. Hiding it from my family. Arguments with the new man about how I handle the situation.

I saw that I and my family

I saw that I and my family were eating in our garden and my crush was watching us from a distance. I saw my crush so I brought my crush with me and he also started eating with us then suddenly I and my family I saw that our house was on fire, I and my family immediately ran towards the house but my crush was absolutely normal as if he knew that there was going to be a fire and started the fire right there.

My grandpa passed away a couple of

My grandpa passed away a couple of months ago. In my dream, all of my family were at my grandma's (his wife) house and suddenly I saw my grandpa in the kitchen, somehow I knew he was not alive in my dream so I turned to my grandma in tears and told her that I see him, I got up and we hugged, he had a huge smile on his face, one of those smiles that seem like you cannot get rid of, he was incredibly happy and it was visible, he went to the bathroom and I heard voices of coughing, it made sense because he passed away from a lung disease, when he got out of the bathroom my grandma saw my grandpa too, my grandma told my grandpa that he looks great and they both smiled at each other, once again, they both smiled very happy smiles, then my grandma my grandpa and me sat outside together.

My family was at my aunts house

My family was at my aunts house out in the country. We were having a family party like every Saturday. Until these people dressed in white started asking for all the kids. I was then handing them my siblings and ran away until I looked back and saw that they were killing the kids and my uncle was helping them. Everyone was screaming at him and I ran, got my siblings and hid them in a secret room. I went outside and saw them trying to find the kids. After a while they started leaving, I grabbed my siblings, ran to the car and drove off.

That my family especially my uncle hurt

That my family especially my uncle hurt me and I was very down.. so my cuz said let's go out. So we were at a place that goes from one pub to another. The one qe couldn't get in. So my cousin Said wait here I'm coming. Then cyle said going to the loo. I waited 30 mins. Then went back to that club and I could see both of them inside and with women but getting it on. So I got a uber and left .... sent him a message to tell him I saw it and we got into a fight. I then wrote a letter to the family. Got drugs popped alot and then laid in the bath and cut my wrists. My cousin came home to say sorry and he found me kept the kids away and rushed me to hospital. Called cyle told him to which he realized what had really happened and rushed to see me. But as he got to the hospital I passed away.

I was i taxi and when i

I was i taxi and when i reached my destination i said drop me here but the driver did not listen and i said second time loudly but again the driver did not listen then i become angry and shouted furiously at him then he dropped me in poor village(i think Africa) then when i tried to return to my home by my self some child told me that there are some african gangsters the way am going and when i tried to go the direction the taxi had followed but the road was muddy and was a river and then when i look to my feet am wearing some baby shoe that don't fit me then i asked the lady from the family if they can give me any shoe, but the lady said we don't have any but when i said i will pay i got a shoe that fitted me. then i thought i got two choices either i find the way back by myself using maps with the risk of gangsters finding me or asking black boy who is a member of thw family to show me the way with the risk of unknowingly handling me to gangsters. then i wake up

I had a dream about going out

I had a dream about going out with my cousins for the day. It seem to be just me and my family then after we went out somewhere we came back with one person that we knew I can’t remember exactly who it was. While out, I believe we got chased, or had an altercation with another person in my dream or like they just didn’t like me or something. But when we got back to my cousins house, there were more people. I remember for sure that my ex Lekenia was there and before I woke up, I can remember catching myself looking at her and seeing a new scar on her back or maybe I don’t remember ever seeing that scar on her back. It seemed to me that I was flirting with the other girl that we knew in the dream and she was watching, but she never said anything. We were going out and before we left, I went and brush my teeth and did whatever and then woke up.