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I had a dream that my fiancé

I had a dream that my fiancé went to jail, and it was because he went there to try to legally be able to see me whenever he wants to. my parents dont like him so i cant see him very much. so when he got to the police station apparently he didnt get the answer he wanted and he got very angry, then went to jail.

I was in jail with my phone

I was in jail with my phone but i didnt want to leave i used my bail for my friend then i got out and saw naked people then i went back to this private jail with nothing in it except a concrete floor and my phone

I have two son and both was

I have two son and both was in jail but I had a dream that my younger son was the one that came home but in turn out that my older son came home instead

In my dream Trump was on trial

In my dream Trump was on trial for treason and was protesting that his jailers did not supply him with enough adult diapers. Jared and Ivanka had fled the country ahead of arrest by President Biden and had taken refuge in Russia. There they planned a great semenancy ritual intended to exert sodomic mind control power over the American public while the nation was weakened by the pandemic.

My boyfriend is in jail and i

My boyfriend is in jail and i had a dream that he got out of jail and when i seen him i cried and he was with his daughters mom