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I was driving through a unfamiliar town

I was driving through a unfamiliar town with my father. It appeared as if it were a different time period that we were driving through. There was a car crash, maybe us. I see a queen dressed in all white riding on a white horse. They get stuck in thick mud and when the horse tries to move it dislocates the body from the leg entirely. The leg is just left there in the mud. I stare at it.

I first started at my old school

I first started at my old school with some of my old friends. Then a car crash occurred and people were hurt and so my mother and I helped them. We took them back to the school, the school of which I've dreamt many times before. Then it switched over to some boy mall dorm or something, kind of like a big apartment but only for guys. I remember one of them were gay. The others weren't as so was myself. Yet in the dream we all became gay and began to have sex with each other. Then I had a dance with a small group of guys and girls.

I had a dream that my best

I had a dream that my best friend (who passed away in a car crash 9 months ago) was drowning and I wasn't able to save her. My other friend tried helping me save her but there was no use.I dont exactly remember the next part, but then it skips to me sitting on the couch with my mom. I looked out the window and I saw my best friend, the one who drowned, in a car with my dad pulling into my driveway. I squealed from excitement and ran outside to see her. I opened her car door and she had a broken arm. I couldn't speak, all I could do was squeal because I was so excited to see her. I woke up as I hugged her.