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I dreamt that my ex boyfriend approached

I dreamt that my ex boyfriend approached me because he noticed I was sad. I explained to him the trouble I was going through and he began crying as I shared my story. He then told me that he's about to get rid of the roommates who he let rent a room at his place.

In bed in the house I share

In bed in the house I share with my boyfriend about to go to bed. I hear his son in his room singing and playing with Lego, but my boyfriend does not hear him. I get upset and anxious that I am the only one who can hear my stepson and my boyfriend goes to check and see if he is in his room. He comes back and says no one is there but I continue to hear him playing with Lego from across the hall. I awake feeling unsettled.

I had a dream my girlfriend was

I had a dream my girlfriend was in love with another guy and she said we could share but I said no and ran away and the guy started chasing me and I tried to hurt him somehow but he was invincible. Then he disappeared and I saw them in line together for a movie but I couldn't stop running and I ran right into a river and drowned.

My wife had an extra set of

My wife had an extra set of legs and a penis hidden that I didn't know about I found out and it was very upsetting then I was on a bridge where people were sharing problems in relationships a woman shared with us then I told her about my wife then there was a big dinner table with lots of us were sat at a man befriended me and we went out on the piss.

The first thing I can remember from

The first thing I can remember from my dream was walking down the hallway in our house, (My grandparents, mother, younger sister and I all live together) and entering my room that I share with my sister. She was on her bed squirming around and making strange noises. When she looked at me, her eyes were fireballs. I ran out to tell my mother, who quickly ran outside and started the car. She told me to come with her, but I told her I needed to make sure Grandma and Grandpa were out first. When I went into their room, I saw my grandmother on her bed with a small black, almost kangaroo-like creature touching her. She was on fire. I then ran outside and joined my mom in the car. The next thing I remember from the dream is being inside a building with my mom and sister, the same one who was "possessed"? earlier. I don't know how we met up with her and I don't know how we got to this building. It was almost like a small castle. We walked down a hall and found a room with a wooden door, and locked ourselves inside. Then, my mom told us that the locks only work every other hour. After sitting in the room for a while, hoping the locks would keep us safe, we heard the door rattle a little, and then it opened. A very large bald man walked in and started approaching us, and my mom said, "uh oh". He stood in front of us, then leaned down and kissed my sister on the forehead, then did the same to my mom, and then to me. Although I was dreaming, I physically felt this and it was as if something was going through me; like he laid a curse on us. Then he picked up my mom and sister, one in each arm. He told me that my sister was a goddess of youth and that my mom was one of beauty. Then, looking me straight in the eye, he said, "someone special wants to see you". He emphasized the word "you". As soon as he finished these words, I woke up. Some extra information if it helps... I am 16, my sister is 14, and my mother is 50. I was at a friend's house when this dream occurred and I received some bad news shortly before having it.

I dreamt I was homeless and had

I dreamt I was homeless and had to look for a floor to sleep on. I was told just to go to any house and just sleep on their floor. My late father told me if I didn't fins a floor I could share his at 4 Charles street. I found a floor in a coloured person house and they said it was ok

My mom had cooked a bunch of

My mom had cooked a bunch of food but didn't want to share any of it. When I told her that my brother and I had been eating some she got really upset and said it was supposed to be for her. I got mad and told her she was being selfish. We started fighting and I took away her plate of food, just to be mean. A while later I gave it to her and she said she forgave me but that she wasn't going to apologize to me. I told her she owed me an apology but she still insisted she didn't. We then started talking about her past jobs when she was younger and how hard she worked to get to where she is today. Her old boss then appeared and started beating her. My brother and I got very upset and began shielding her from the beatings.

In my dream I am observing myself

In my dream I am observing myself at from a third person view. During my spectating I digress then progress as I go from being an elderly man in the future slowly trekking through my grand estate that is flooded with advanced technology. Next I turn into middle aged me running the chicago marathon. Thirdly I am in my early to mid 20’s and screaming and shouting as it appears I made some sort of discovery, then going out to celebrate at a party with many many friends and crazy college kids. Then it goes to infant me who is crawling at a brisk pace with a black nothingness background. Finally I see myself as a high school student and as I see myself walking away from school, I become no longer a spectator but a participant in the dream. I keep walking but now am headed to school. On my way there I am confronted by a man dressed in all black and smells so bad you can see it and he tries to rob me, but I fend him off and kill him. All of a sudden I am in a full out sprint towards school, and when I get there everybody is in the cafeteria yelling and crying. In attempt to get inside I discover that the doors are locked and I go to investigate why so. During my search I feel rumbling beneath my feet as a diverse herd of both rhinoceros and elephants stampede over the west field. As soon as I feel this I make a reroute for the herd that steers them away from campus except for one rhino and one elephant. After this scare there is another, as a bunch of angry assassins come towards our school. Headed straight for the cafeteria I think about going in but instead run to the schools medieval arsenal of bows, arrows, swords, and throwing knives. I grab as much as I and my recently obtained backpack, and head to the roof of the dining hall. I try to pick them off one by one at first with the arrows lighting some on fire and some not, but there are still twenty left as the cross over the road to the dining hall patio area. After doing so I grab my backpack and jump into a tree off the roof shooting four more guys with my green arrows. Then I create a mist of throwing knives as they begin to shoot at me. The knives got six more. With ten left I scampered out of the tree with five arrows penetrating my flesh from all over. I sprint to the rhino and elephant who are chilling near the basketball court to recover and get a drink of water. After doing so I go back to find the ten assassins had broken into the dining hall and had killed five teachers and holding everyone else hostage. I snuck in and acted as a student knowing they couldn’t have recognized me since I wasn’t wearing the hood or mask anymore. As I sat there pretending to share the fear and emotions of every other student, I selectively told people things were going to be alright and told a group of friends to go to a specific table towards the back corner. Then the assassins begin to threaten and attack students and teachers alike so I attempted to defend myself and others. In doing so I got shot two more times but took down six more guys. There was still four left. The four most deadly. Then there were sirens in the distant background, but it made the whole dining hall flash blue and red a couple times. Following this I realized the body count the assassins had totaled and instead of defending I attacked first. Surprised by my ability to dodge their arrows and attacks I punched one and kicked another. After this they all four focused on me as student after student escaped. During this confusion one of the assassins shot a student trying to escape and the twenty remaining stood still--frozen. Seeing it was a friend, I became angry, really really really angry. It felt like I was exploding with fire and then I started moving really fast. I defended against three more. Yet the anger didn’t subside and as I finally knocked the last guy onto the ground I stood calmed by the victory. With my anger subsided I stopped and then went over to the twenty remaining people who seemed to be heavily populated with attractive females and I carried them one by one out of the dining hall to safety. Afterwards, I avoided the cops and then rode away on a T-Rex with the rhino and elephant closely following carrying the girls to safety. Then I appeared upstairs in my house but it was black and the only thing I could move towards was the set of stairs that looked like they had no bottom. To satisfy my curiosity I jumped and then there was an explosion of white light and I woke up.

In my dream my family and i

In my dream my family and i was outside it was dark we all hared wolfs my mother walks in the dark woods bye her self i was trying to get her to come back she coldnt be stoped she fade in to the woolds when she returned walking back one on each side of her was a wolf she had red eyes and so did the wolfs she was coming right at me so i started running trying to fined so were to hide some how i ended up in town in this old store trying to hide