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I dreamed that all horror movie characters

I dreamed that all horror movie characters were running after me and no matter where i go i always end up back to my room with the killers and when one of them stabbed me i immediately woke up because i felt like i was getting stabbed in real life and i also dreamed that my mom kills me with scissors and i couldn't wake up and i dreamed that my grandma died, i got depressed and i couldnt turn on any lights in my house so i killed my family

My dream is being in a store

My dream is being in a store watching a product information video on a product. and I am interested. my man was behind me while I am sitting in a. Chair about to go out the door. Minute later I stand up to walk out the door and scene changes into me being in a tub with a shower curtain closed. I raise my hand up and I try to push back the shower curtain and I feel a persons body on the opposite side of the shower curtain and then a pair of hands as the shower curtain is stuck. I felt like squinting my eyes and I did. Then I immediately see staring at me a black silhouette of a young girl with long black hair spectra with no features that peered around the shower curtain to see me stare back at the spectre.

I was working at a convenience/dollar store

I was working at a convenience/dollar store like Dollar Tree. Mark came in and began to harass me. He was mad because he wanted Gigi. He would do a sort of cycle: come inside, pester me, leave, return, repeat. Finally fed up I took him by the neck and escorted him to the front of the store. Before I reached the manager I released him and pretended I never touched him. I explained to the manager what happened, leaving out the part about my assault and battery of a customer, and that I wanted to file a report. Without even hearing my story or meeting Mark they seemed to take his side almost immediately. Sad and angry I went back to work. Later on Mark returned. This time he followed me around the store. As I was walking away and trying to ignore him he ran up beside me, swearing. I saw that he had a kitchen knife. I became afraid. He grabbed my arm and I tried to remove the knife. But I was unsuccessful. He inflicted several cuts before I was able to remove the blade from his hand. At that exact moment a cop approached us. Believing I had inflicted the wounds on myself, the cop was going to take me to a psych ward. Terrified, I ran out of the store I was working at and into a large grocery store that was dimly lit and appeared abandoned. I ran until I reached the entrance to a secret strip club in the back; my plan was to run through here and find an exit that led out to a back alley. The two women who headlined in this private grocery store gentleman's club were somehow personal friends of mine. They were middle-aged black women who looked like long time drug users, and one of them I owed money

Living in the mid-western USA at the

Living in the mid-western USA at the time of my dream: I was walking down a gravel road which was heavily foliated on each side of it. I knew from the foliage that I was in the southern USA. Came upon a cleared lot on the left side of the road that was marked out by wooden survey stakes with orange tape flags. There was a one-story wine red house one lot further along beside it. My attention was drawn to the stake nearest me at the front left corner of the lot. As I was looking at it, I suddenly started rising up in the air. As i did, I realized that a ridge ran along the back of the property. As I cleared the ridge-line, I could see a newsh concrete block/precast elementary or middle school on the other side of it. A playground with heavy timber playground equipment was between the school and the ridge on their side. The dream jumped and I found myself standing on a sidewalk, looking out on a four-lane divided highway with a grass median. I realized there was an older red brick building immediately behind me and I turned and went up a step or two and entered it. I had the sense that it was maybe a hardware store, Don't remember doing anything while in it, or having any further sense about it. I left through the front door I had entered. As I walked back outside I realized someone was standing on the sidewalk up against the building to the right of the doorway. I looked to the left and saw the beginning edge of a town. I turned to the person standing there and realized I couldn't see their face. I asked them what town it was. They replied, "Oak Ridge". I realized it was an angel of God. I woke up. This dream happened suddenly, like a download. Amazing clarity, colors and details. Understood it was Oak Ridge, TN.

I had a dream last night that

I had a dream last night that I suddenly gave birth to very premature twins. They were taken away immediately after birth to be treated and hooked up to machines to save them. All I was able to see, was them wrapped in blankets as they were being rushed away by nurses.

I suddenly gave birth to twins. Very

I suddenly gave birth to twins. Very premature twins. And they were taken away immediately after birth to be treated and hooked up to machines to save them. All I was able to see, was them wrapped in blankets as they were being rushed away by nurses.

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Si lors de l'inscription de Betclic, vous introduisez le betclic code promo valides, vous pourrez alors recevoir notre bonus de bienvenue. Toutefois, il se portera exclusivement sur votre premier pari.Cette offre est unique bonus sur internet qui ne comporte aucun risque!une phrase simple: vous effectuez d’abord un dépôt, jouez 1 min d'un montant de 100€. Si la chance ne vous a pas souri, Betclic vous rembourse la manière suivante: • 90€ après que vous avez obtenu l'activation définitive de votre compte (un code d'activation à saisir ou dans les 24h qui suivent les résultats si vous avez déjà un compte activé.Il vous naturellement vous pouvez prendre possession de cet argent. Nous vous aidons ainsi à faire de votre argent, sans aucun risque, tout en vous dévoilant notre site et nos services!Exemple pratique:Vous avez décidé d'embaucher le pari de 100€ remboursés sur la rencontre Espagne-France.Pour cela, vous pouvez procéder comme suit.1ère étape-Réaliser un 1er dépôt de 100€ si vous souhaitez que le montant du bonus de bienvenue. Ce montant vous sera totalement restitué si votre pari est perdant.2e étapeVous pouvez faire un pari remboursé.Si, par exemple, vous avez décidé de parier sur une victoire de la France et la note correspondante est de 3 .5, alors vous emportez: 100 x 3.5= 350€, en cas de victoire de la France. Sinon (vous avez perdu votre pari) 10€ versés sur votre compte Betclic.étape 3Après un pari perdant et pour recevoir 90€ restants, vous devez compléter le processus d'inscription en fournissant un code d'activation. Si vous souhaitez de plus amples informations sur cette vérification de votre compte, cliquez ici.Toutefois, si votre compte a déjà reçu la validation de l'avant de votre premier pari 90€ restants seront versés dans votre compte dans les 24 suivent les résultats.exemple:Si lors du même match France-Espagne, vous optez pour une mise de parier à 80€ et si vous perdez, alors vous aurez quand même immédiatement 10€ et 70€ le reste ne vous seront versés qu’après que vous avez reçu une facture dûment vérifié.Si le montant de votre pari est de 10 roubles vous avez placé un pari perdant vous récupérez immédiatement vos 10€.

The dream began with me waking up

The dream began with me waking up to a text message on my phone, I wake up and scroll through the notification centre to see a text message from my instructor Ms. Maryam (Interior Design instructor at the time of the dream). The text message said, “I need to see you in my office today”. I jumped out of fear thinking why would she want to meet me after the final exam is over. To understand why she wanted to see me I open banner to check my final grades and surprisingly the final grade was not uploaded, which made me feel more anxious. I wake up and get ready immediately wondering why she wanted to meet me. I wear a blue abaya and a white scarf, and leave for the bus. I remember falling asleep as soon as I go in the bus. I wake up when we reach the university and I feel my heart beating fast. As I get down the bus and as I get closer to her office, I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. I reach near her office and see her office is open, I pray to Allah to make things easy for me, and take a minute to calm myself and knocked her door. I see Ms. Maryam looking at me in a weird way, she looked different than what she usually looks like, she had the same face but she looked shorter, and long arms. She had a pink coat with flower patterns and was wearing blue jeans. She tells me to take a seat, I felt shivers going through my spine. She asks me if I checked banner for the final grade, and I tell her I did and the grade was not uploaded yet. She looked sad and says, “it is because you didn’t get a good grade”. You received an F. She goes on to tell me about her having so much of high expectations on me and it is just not my failure, it is hers too as an instructor. I began tearing up and wake up from my dream.

Dream Session November 8th 2017 Reversed order

Dream Session November 8th 2017 Reversed order of a session with James? This one will be a hard one to write, but I will do my best to organize. First Section: I was soaked or have been. My thoughts focusing on maybe perhaps I had fallen into Toluca Lake? It was uncertain. James telling me I needed rest. Second Section: I woke kidnapped. Tied up. I could see a man, unknown to me. What was he? I pieced together he was an enemy of sorts. He had been "tough". Taunting James; whom was tied up himself. Locked away in a shed near where I was laying. The man had grabbed me. James yelling something at him only to get the response: "Mr. Sunderland. Oh Mr. Sunderland. You will soon see I am not after you." James had continued screaming through anger. The man whom had me as a hostage peered inside the shed James was locked in, staring at James between the wooden planks. His laughing. I could feel not only my skin crawl, but James' as well. This distorted man whom James directed his anger to: Who was he? A Cultist of Silent Hill? What did I do to piss off someone like that? From clear indication. This guy didn't want to keep me alive. James was struggling to escape his position. Tied and handcuffed. He seemed to be thinking more clearly than myself. How badly was I beaten? Third Section: We're at Jack's Inn. Time lapse? We escaped? Was it all a dream? Confusion and disoriented. I found James sitting at the small desk writing down, perhaps recent series of events. It seemed like he was in his own thoughts. "You all right?" James breaking away from his writing, realizing I was conscious. Was it really all a nightmare? "You should rest." We were safe. So what's the deal? If what I experienced wasn't a nightmare? Did I almost drown? Was I almost murdered? "Crash" isn't saying anything. Should I be worried? I should observe Crash's face. That would have given me a more solid answer. What about our wrists? I could have examined his wrists or even mine. Markings. Anything. If any of this infact was true. That means James and I aren't alone in Silent Hill. If this is infact true: We aren't safe in Silent Hill. James. The dream/metaphysical experience I had while trying to process all this has been beyond my own comprehension. Whoever that man was whom perhaps used either of us as bait; it's unclear as of right now. What his motives were. It's a troubling thought either of us were being hunted. Regardless. Thank you. As I was being drown by that monster. I couldn't process my thoughts and yet even still I am in awe. I should out right say what's on my mind. Thank you for saving me. I couldn't fight back. Yet as you freed yourself; your immediate goal was to save me without a second thought. I don't know what else to say at this moment.