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It started ben & I were hanging

It started ben & I were hanging out, and in a weird house, but the bathroom/shower part was not connected. Some other girl was there. Me and ben needed to shower, so I followed him to the shower, and he turned it on, and the shower head turned and sprayed me and all my clothes and everything. The other girl was standing there- idk who she was and then all of a sudden she was gone. We were having sex in the shower, but i wasn't dreaming that, i only knew it was happening? woke up. dozed off. felt cramps. dad & gram took me to the doctor- i was pregnant. the baby was gonna be really premature. i started crying and getting scared, tried calling ben - no answer, no service, no nothing. finally his cousin answered & said, 'look he can't hang out this weekend, okay? he has a trial to get ready for' and i was still crying and saying i needed to talk to him but he told me to send a text and hung up. so i sent Ben!!! - no response. but for some reason i could see him 'studying' for his trial or whatever, and i watched his phone ring, but he never answered it. my mom was laying down in her bed and i started crying and telling her everything. she cried too, but told me it was gonna be okay and that the baby was gonna be taken care of. she wouldn't let me get an abortion because she said it was an 'escape route'? i was screaming because of that. woke up. dozed off. at taco bell. got a large cup of melted cheese with some strips of tortilla chips on top, and my drink was in the center of it? got a taco and a chicken quesadilla too. was at jesse & melanie's house, but didn't see them. they were having a party, it was 10 cents for each song played, brittani beatty& shanna gatesman were there and there were guys being jerks? idk. all of a sudden jess sarich is in my car with her arm around my shoulder, and i had to take her home and she ate some of my chips and cheese, then i took her home, and went to have my baby. the way you have a baby in my dream was that you pretty much layed an egg, and they were inside it- normal baby size? but you had to put the egg in ice cold water 'til they shrunk down small enough so you could swallow them and they had time to grow inside of you? a black couple had an asian baby that could already talk before he was shrunken down but they didn't want him so they were either gonna shrink him down and chew him up instead of swallowing him, or just throw him away in their taco bell bags. the baby was asking 'how come you aren't taking me to the ice water mom? i'm trying to go there but you have to put me there" he was so confused and sad. then they ended up throwing him away. i cried. by now i was already attached to my baby and getting ready to swallow him and my mom comes out and tells me she signed the baby over to a couple that couldn't have children. i was crying and saying no, that it was my baby. and mad that she did it without asking. after a while i finally came to terms with it, and asked if they could be the ones to swallow it, and not me or did i have to carry the child too? and then i woke up. but dozed off, and dreamed of a text from ben that says i'm pretty. so i tried to call him, but my phone kept freaking out and would hit ben's name but dial lance hudson?

I dreamt that I confessed that I

I dreamt that I confessed that I really really liked this guy I used to talk to but he was a total jerk. He didnt feel the same way about me and I couldnt stop crying. Then an old friend that i dont get along with anymore made me feel better. I tried to forget about and started getting worried about my boyfriend getting mad at me.

I saw my principal furious and he

I saw my principal furious and he came with a newspaper and showed i to me. 1st i thought i was given the school activity captains post and i got excited n when i looked clearly i saw something in the headline which defamed the school. I even saw my name written in the newspaper with a guy named Ben. Earlier in the dream i saw myself talking to a guy named Ben. I was also trying to explain myself and in the dream everybody thought i was an arrogant jerk

I was riding on a cargo freight

I was riding on a cargo freight train through a war-torn area, along with many others. The train was moving so slow that donkeys caring bags and suitcases could walk alongside us at matched speed. We were attacked by guerillas and those on the train with me began fighting back, shooting and pushing those attackers off that tried to jump on the train. I became overwhelmed and felt as if I didn't have the energy to keep fighting. Everything went into slow-motion, and I realized that our attackers are not carrying any weapons and are mere children (ages 10-20). In the trenches alongside the train, I see hundreds of corpses on top of corpses (as if these children were victims of a mass homicide and thrown by the train tracks). I started yelling for everyone to stop fighting these children, but they looked at me as if I were crazy, pushed me to the side, and kept battling. I jumped off the slow-moving train and saw a survivor in the trenches. Upon leaning down to help what appeared to be a severely wounded, malnourished boy of 10-13yrs, I reached to support his head and was startled at the touch of the pus and blood spilling wounds he had. As I was startled, I drew my hand back and his head fell off--only the skin had already grown over this wound, and now I had what was then a badly decomposed body in front of me. Convinced he was alive a moment before, I looked over at his head and was terrified to see that his eyes could still blink and look around--and that his mouth was still moving as if trying to moan. I tried to back up, stand up, anything to get away, but kept slipping on the other corpses. Then this boy's body attempted to stand up. I was terrified beyond belief and finally gained enough ground to stand and run. I looked back and saw his body standing, headless, and with very jerking movements, begin to walk...

In my dream I had a disorder

In my dream I had a disorder that when something triggers it I wouldn't have control over my body and I was in a different body. I was white with blonde hair n wore glasses . I had gone to a place with a black electric gate and as I was leaving the place, someone had thrown a coin to the gate which made the gate jerk and hit me a little bit.That had triggered my disorder. Now I had no control over my body and then that same person who through the coin to the gate shot me 4 times with a gun and I died!

I appear at my grandmothers house, it's

I appear at my grandmothers house, it's somewhat dark and i already know what to expect because i've had this same dream before. I go to run down her steep driveway when i hear howling. 5 wolves come running at me, they catch me because i'm running in slow motion. i have a wolf on both of my arms and legs pulling when the fifth one comes running at me. I feel their fangs but it hurts but it has a slight tickling feeling, i jerk away from the ones on my arm when i fight and i shove my hand in the fifth wolfs mouth and i break its jaw.

I took my wife and her to

I took my wife and her to friends to a bar. They were drinking so I did not because I would have to drive. My wife wanted to go to the basement of the bar. There was a jerk at the bar who pretended to be my friend. In the basement of the bar she had more drinks. I went to the bathroom to pee. The bathroom was empty which for a busy place seemed strange. I came out and my wife was sitting on the jerk's lap kissing him. I pulled her off and asked her what was going on. She was very drunk and said she asked him to kiss her. I asked if she thought it would be ok for me to kiss other girls. She said no. We then went back upstairs and searched for her friends.

Boyfriend and I were in Colorado on

Boyfriend and I were in Colorado on a little weekend get away. He all of a sudden changed and became a jerk. He was chasing me through the woods trying to kill me. I got away once but then for some reason just fell down and went to sleep. He found me while I was sleeping and took me in chains to town to a little cafe telling everyone that the chains were for the protection because I was crazy and would hurt them. No one tried to help me.

I was at my old school in

I was at my old school in my old class room. A few minutes passed by then my teacher started taking pictures with her students, but I was locked outside a window. An old friend of mine helped me inside and I sat down. For some reason a bed appeared under me and I lay down. Then my ex-brother in law came over to me and hugged me. He was crying and talking about how he missed my family. But then he just suddenly disappeared. I walked through the halls barefoot looking for him and I came to the front of the school and looked outside. One of my friends, who moved away before me, got into a car and drove away. I turned around in the hallway to see that my school became a house I had never seen before. I walked through this house and my family was there. I tried to wave to my sister but she avoided me. I just walked around for awhile then walked out to the backyard. There was a huge tree fort and a lawn and even a small building behind the tree fort but it was inside the fence. My sister walked passed me like I was bothering her. I grabbed her shoulder and asked why she was being such a bitch (I never say bad words in front of her.) she just jerked her arm away then walked off. I thought “forget about it.” And walked to the tree house. I started to climb it but the branch I was on melted right under my feet. At this point I had become naked. I walked back into the house thinking about how I needed to wash my hair and I bumped into my sister again. She said something like I am hiding the shirt because I think you would like it. I slammed a bathroom door and started looking for shampoo in the cupboard very quietly, like I wasn’t allowed to. All I found was make up so I left. Now I was sitting on the floor with two other people eating a brown looking curry. My sister came up to us with an orange looking curry and said hers was better. Then I grabbed her plate and mixed it in with our brown curry. She said “You are running my jalapeño and bacon curry!” I looked up at her and said “Its sour cream you idiot.” Then we tried the mixture and supposedly it was delicious. Then for some reason a pirate ship came into my dream. A short white haired old man was telling the crew members to hold onto a chain then jump overboard and he would pull them back up. But when they did, he was pulled overboard also. The last part of my dream was watching him fall then look behind him and see that the chain was still attached and he grabbed the chain and was pulled back up to the ship then I woke up.