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I had a dream I was an

I had a dream I was an attorney representing a femal guilty client who murdered another girl she met at a truck stop. She tried to take a plea deal but it fell through so it had to go to trail. I new she was guilty but was in charge of trying to find information that would prove her innocent. I kept having to carry around actual dog poop as it was her evidence. The girl she murdered was a girl she was having sex with. Not sure it matters but the plaintiff was a beautiful black woman and she had a large family who believed her to be innocent.

I am wearing a black shirt with

I am wearing a black shirt with black suit pants. My mother passes by and asks me why I was wearing black. I did not reply. Then I went into a route behind our house where there in an extremely small girl is a bucket, and she raised her hands with joy when swing me and I carried her. Since she was easy to carry I turn around and see her big brother, whom I put on my shoulder. I fall down when I carried him on my shoulder. I stood up again and same thing happened. The third time I carried him and I did not fell but instead carried as if he was light to carry. Then I returned to my back yard and there was a headless cat pooping at our door, but the vat was struggling to have her head returned. Then she peed again. I jumped over the poop and the urine, then I saw, the cat has grown a head.