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I some how end up walking the

I some how end up walking the streets of new york city. giant alien spaceships with tentacle are destroying new york city and everyone and everything is in chaos trying to get out of the streets and leave. I am running to down a street of new york, trying to figure out how to get back home to my family. I then realize looking down an ally way I need my family back home to open a portal that I can cross over to come back home again. The portal dose not come in the ally way as I frantically wait. I then go around the street into a building. There is a large group of people in a sort of large auditorium setting. There is a tent on the floor where I know I must beat something mystical that I do not understand but know will kill me to open the portal myself to get home. I become upset and furious and leave. I make my way up the stairs of the skyscraper building. The power is out, I ask to people on the stairs if Im going the right way and they tell me which way to go. I finally get to the top of the stairs and my family is there. Me and my brother get into a fight and Iam thrown from the window of the building but some how make my way back up. Then Iam back towards home hiding behind pine trees against a fence as vehicles come by. A very deep seriousness is over me. It is dark. I then make my way up the road through my neighborhood. A house down one of the streets becomes apparent to me as a black car drives away it becomes very bright and I know they are coming, (the alien invasion) I run down the road saying run leave now there here. I get to my home and we secure the house as best we can. Iam then left alone to fend for myself and then my family returns and we leave in our 2003 chevy cavalier. As we drive through or neighborhood the house a street down from ours has there blinds up and everything in the home is gone. We keep driving and go past two people on the side of the road trying to flee the alien invasion as well, walking on the road were going down.The road then becomes dirt. We then make our way to a hospital. People have looted it and are inside walking around and it is run down. We try to stay out of the sight of the looters as we enter and make our way upstairs. We come to a medication room. My mom and dad find medication they need for my mom and injected her with it. I find a box of medication and look in it. I then runaway from the hospital. I find a trucker on the side of the road laying out spike strips and chasing after with other small trucks as a team to take cars fuel. The trucker tells me its not that hard to drive his semi so I do. we get on the highway and there are tons of cars trying to leave the city they all move out of the way for me in fear the will be ran over. I get back to the hospital and I thank the trucker and he tells me Im cute and we go our separate ways. I make my way back up to the hospital room where I left my family. I have great interest in the box of medication I looked at. My father has it next to him and is in the corner going through shelf's. I look in the medication box and it is filled with stuffed animals.

I was in a hotel having dinner

I was in a hotel having dinner with family and friends and then suddenly outside some gun shots and people gathering. Hotel closed down immediately. All chaos and there was a small child that i was trying to hold on to. DOnt know whose child (as I dont have any). Walking back home with my dad and then see car passing by damaged with gun shots. Further walking ahead on the road in the night with my dad going home... see a big open truck with white bed and soo much of blood and then another vehicle passing by with somebody on the bed and stabbing someone to death... it left me soo much disturbed... donno why. I havent watched any movies or havent been out either of late.

I was at my old high school,

I was at my old high school, there seem to be chaos graffiti on the walls, I tried to leave but my legs won't work in a forward direction, I had to turn around and go in a backward motion

There were three wyverns (dragons with scorpion

There were three wyverns (dragons with scorpion tails) in my dream. One was green (this was the largest of the three), the second black with a red chaos aura, and the third was white as ivory. I ran to hide from them in a poorly built, old, wooden shack. They did not pursue me. In my curiosity, I ventured to a window to see them. I watched the white one fly away, the green one was already gone, and the black one started looking for me. Then I woke up before there was any kind of conclusion to the dream.

Ran thru subway with my brother escaping

Ran thru subway with my brother escaping police officers.  We jumped several times successfully from high places, sliding down on walls and avoiding full impact with the floor. Hiding when we saw other cops and kept doing some jackie chan jumps and moves to escape. Our agility was very good. We escaped and stepped into a subway train happy that we escaped. We saw two hot girls and started having sex on the train. I was about to switch when I heard someone get a text msg and heard him say ,"he says get out the subway now." Suddenly the train stops and the doors of the train r open while i see steel thick doors closing on the divisions of the tracks fast, about to leave everyone locked inside. Suddenly everyone starts jumping out and running towards the end in panic from one of the center tracks we were on to escape outside...  I got the feeling of immediate danger as if we needed to get out or we were going to die. It felt as if the entire world was in chaos and getting out was only the first step. I still felt there were going to be more troubles waiting when we get out. The steel doors kept closing... I forgot all about my brother for a sec as I ran for my life. I woke up when I saw the steel doors almost completely shut.

Ran thru subway with my brother escaping

Ran thru subway with my brother escaping police officers.  We jumped several times successfully from high places, sliding on walls and avoiding full impact with the floor. Hiding when we saw other cops and kept doing some jackie chan jumps and moves to escape. Our agility was very good. We escaped and stepped into a subway train happy that we escaped. We saw two hot girls and started having sex on the train. I was about to switch when I heard someone get a text msg and heard him say ,"he says get out the subway now." Suddenly the train stops and the doors of the train r open while i see steel thick doors closing on the divisions of the tracks fast, about to leave everyone locked inside. Suddenly everyone starts jumping out and running towards the end in panic from one of the center tracks we were on to escape outside...  I got the feeling of immediate danger as if we needed to get out or we were going to die. It felt as if the entire world was in chaos and getting out was only the first step. I still felt there were going to be more troubles waiting when we get out. The steel doors kept closing... I forgot all about my brother for a sec as I ran for my life. I woke up when I saw the steel doors almost completely shut.

Ran thru subway with my brother escaping

Ran thru subway with my brother escaping cops.  We jumped several times successfully from high places, sliding on walls and avoiding full impact with the floor. Hiding when we saw other cops and kept doing some jackie chan jumps and moves to escape. Our agility was very good. We escaped and stepped into a subway train happy that we escaped. We saw two hot girls and started having sex on the train. I was about to switch when I heard someone get a text msg and heard him say ,"he says get out the subway now." Suddenly the train stops and the doors of the train r open while i see steel thick doors closing on the divisions of the tracks fast, about to leave everyone locked inside. Suddenly everyone starts jumping out and running towards the end in panic from one of the center tracks we were on to escape outside...  I got the feeling of immediate danger as if we needed to get out or we were going to die. It felt as if the entire world was in chaos and getting out was only the first step. I still felt there were going to be more troubles waiting when we get out. The steel doors kept closing... I forgot all about my brother for a sec as I ran for my life. I woke up when I saw the steel doors almost completely shut.

Dream  Ran thru subway with my brother

Dream  Ran thru subway with my brother escaping cops.  We jumped several times successfully from high places, sliding on walls and avoiding full impact with the floor. Hiding when we saw other cops and kept doing some jackie chan jumps and moves to escape. Our agility was very good. We escaped and stepped into a subway train happy that we escaped. We saw two hot girls and started having sex on the train. I was about to switch when I heard someone get a text msg and heard him say ,"he says get out the subway now." Suddenly the train stops and the doors of the train r open while i see steel thick doors closing on the divisions of the tracks fast, about to leave everyone locked inside. Suddenly everyone starts jumping out and running towards the end in panic from one of the center tracks we were on to escape outside...  I got the feeling of immediate danger as if we needed to get out or we were going to die. It felt as if the entire world was in chaos and getting out was only the first step. I still felt there were going to be more troubles waiting when we get out. The steel doors kept closing... I forgot all about my brother for a sec as I ran for my life. I woke up when I saw the steel doors almost completely shut.