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I killed a wolf. it looked like

I killed a wolf. it looked like it had been gutted. it then came back to life later in my dream (still difigured) and was eating itself. mom went to shoot it. it appeared in the house before me and was eating our pets. as iwas waking up it turned into my husband

In prison and was being beaten by

In prison and was being beaten by someone, maybe the guard. Tried to escape, but got shot running away, laid on the ground while getting shot by very heavy military artilery, and was getting shot in every inch of my body esxcept the left side of my head as it laid on the ground away from the guns. Figured my left brain was keeping me alive. They realized I was alive and choked me with a wire and I drifted away from my body as I watched them choke to to death. Woke up.

I was at my house and my

I was at my house and my ex-girlfriend were trying to escape the house because people were trying to kill us. My ex-girlfriend shot out some windows and then I held her in my arms and tried to kiss her but she stopped me. I then figured out how to get out of the house.

At school i was being taught by

At school i was being taught by women younger than myself who had outgoing personalities suitable for teaching. I compared myself to these women and felt i i did not have their ability. the school i attended was not a typical academic setting. Many of the classrooms were used for dual purpose, there was medical training and ambulance driving instructions. I was being taught a subject infront of a white bard with markers. was getting ready for school when i noticed i would have difficulty making the bus if i could not decide what clothes to wear. the white painters paints were somewhat too large and it was to hot to wear two wool sweaters, the white turtle neck and blue cardigan. i was resigned too being late to school until i figured this out. Parents than noticed i had many keys on my chain and demanded to know what each was for. I had blue, silver and other colors. i responded by saying one key was for night, day, my graphic work...

My two daughters were out and me

My two daughters were out and me and my husband were at home and someone knocked on our house door and it was my whole family and friends and my late sister was also standing outside when i asked what happend she said my daughter was in an accident, my daughter's cousin was driving and she got badly injured, her face was disfigured and very hurt.

I was dreaming I went to visit

I was dreaming I went to visit someone in the hospital I haven't seen in a while and didn't like but I went to see them anyway trying to let go of past I looked up there where a few small worms hanging from the ceiling in the hospital room then I looked at the wall iit had peg holes in in and worms were coming out of it big worms all were white ..I started to leave and they stated to fall from ceiling then the wall they began to fall faster I jumped back and was like gross not scared but not wanting them to fall on me as I tried to get out or fall on me as I walked past them ..a man I wasn't familiar with showed up and told me I had to clean up to get rid of them the girl I went to see had disappeared and as I was cleaning them up she showed back up sayings you figured it out and he helped you then a preacher came up preaching talking about his church and I was going to go there ut the man also told me a man in my life two actually were no good for me and I had to let them go for better to come in my life one being my husband the girl came back was negative and didn't like that I figured out what to do ..I told here this really wasn't my fault but I cleaned it up and I stood in the room listening to this preacher I had heard of wt this big church that was getting better and growing the man circled around me not flying but around me saying remember what I said