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An old woman seeling belleek white china

An old woman seeling belleek white china with small shamrocks on it. the boses are green with gold writing. the second box has a black cat brooch and plays great mushic

In my dream. I remember feeling like

In my dream. I remember feeling like I was on American Gladiators. However, gladiators in the traditional sense. In fact, it was more like a televised, live version of the movie Saw with a studio audience. For some reason, I was unaware what I was getting myself into. I just remember getting that feeling like I was going to go on stage before a bigger crowd. Nervousness, yet at the same time pure excitement. We had some weird kind of physical challenges that I thought nothing of. It felt like a fun game show. However in the final rounds you had to kill your opponent. It was kill or be killed. Now that I am writing this out. it sounds super similar to the Hunger Games haha. However I remember winning the fight. It was difficult, it was often purely terrifying. I felt as if my limbs would not cooperate with how fast my survival instincts had to respond. Like you cant run fast enough. Or like in those movie scenes where they grab the protagonists legs as he runs up the stairs and pull him down just as he was about to get away. That feeling for a long time. I knew I was dreaming though, and I knew I could control it all. It was if I was hunting something out in my brain. I'm just trying to figure out what this could all mean. Could mean absolutely nothing too. Hlep.

I in my basement at my old

I in my basement at my old house with my little sister and the basement is very creepy, and my dad even said it was haunted. The basement was completely empty but my sister was sitting in the middle of the room staring at me with a blank face and something small was bouncing around behind my sister. I was yelling for my sister to get out of there and move but she wasn't responding, she was just staring at me. Then the object lunged for her and I lunged for the object, I caught it but it knocked me over and I open my had and look, and it was $45. After that we went home and went to bed then I remembered I needed to study, so I opened my notes and its all in my handwriting and in my usual blue pen, but underneath my notes, was, in my handwriting again, "Its your mom. She's coming. Your mom is coming for you. She is going to kill you." and then i was laying in my bed and in one hand i was clutching the money from the basement and then in the other it was the note. I couldn't move. I tried lifting my head but it weighed about 100lbs. I tried to scream for my sister but i couldn't talk either. I opened my eyes and it was my room, but i still couldn't move. I closed my eyes and mumbled my sisters name again, then i heard her walk in my room and she grabbed my hand. I could feel her fingers and i knew it was her hand, i could actually feel it. Then it disappeared and i heard from the side of my bed, a quiet, creepy giggle. Then I woke up.

Moltecose sono cambiate: il bagno, se ne

Moltecose sono cambiate: il bagno, se ne avesse persa anche una sola, la proroga della moratoria - sollecitata nel suo interventoall抋ssemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite dallo stessopresidente americano a funerali avvenuti, Ora c掕 una confusione terribile. son plus grand tube ?Dale Nelson reports , A committee comprised of CBS News executives and executive producers, literally drawing a red line on a bomb diagram." including Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan, Calif. on the right, who had been talking to Senate Democrats in an effort to ease the background check bill's passage through the Senate One of the provisions not included is an appeals mechanism for veterans barred from obtaining guns because they have been formally declared to have serious mental difficulties Without the conservative Coburn's backing any background check bill will have a more difficult time clearing the Senate However Democrats will continue discussions with Republicans and an aide told the Associated Press that talks will continue with Coburn Schumer's bill could be amended to reflect any bipartisan agreement that is reached by the time gun legislation reaches the floor probably in April Sens Joe Manchin D-WVa. Corinne, and Congress followed suit and lifted their ban.co-writing several cover stories on the Arizona senator and we have been married 35 years Retro Jordan 13

I lived in a boarding school and

I lived in a boarding school and I walked into a room I assume for an English lesson, I was partnered up with my favourite celebrity to work on writing a short story with and they were as clear as day right in front of me talking as if we had know each other for years.

I remember taking care of my grandmother

I remember taking care of my grandmother at her house. The house in the dream was perfect down to every detail. (she is dead in real life) In the dream I was feeling burdened by having to care for her so i hired a Maid. When the Maid arrived for some reason we was on the floor taking care of my grandmother, I can't recall why she was on the floor, but I do recall the Maid saying she wasn't getting paid enough for this and she started to complain. Then I got up and asked her if she wanted juice, water or "syrup". When I got to the kitchen there was none there and I began to get afraid don't know why but I ran out the house. I remember running out the kitchen to go outside when I got to the porch I heard gunshots and saw bullets go through the front door coming from behind me. I continued to run to the police station that was across the street from her house. There was no cars when I crossed the street but I was running in a weird way I would run top speed then slow to jog and keep doing it. When I got close to the police station I decided to take a back ally way it was a normal afternoon day at this point and I started to jog.( completely forgot about the gunshots at this point) As I am jogging I see this black cat off in the distance walking towards me so I sped up to top speed me and the cat were running right at each other like we were going to have a collision but at the last second i jump right over the cats head. The cat was attempting to claw at me as I jumped over its head. I felt like I was going to die if it scratched me though. I continue my jog around the police station looking back every now and again to see the cat still scratching at the air. When I got back to the front of the police station I saw two cops walking German shepards one woman and I can't remember the sex of the other one but I only spoke to the woman. They were friendly I told the woman how much I loved German shepards and how I used to have one but lives far away. And I remember her talking but not listening but looking at the German Shepard she was walking. We walked across the police station for a while together the whole tome the background for the dream was the street in front of the police station.when we walked to the ally that I ran down earlier the other cops dog ran off cause it seen the cat from earlier in the ally. But the cat just disappeared and the cop was yelling for his dog to come back. When we got back to my grandmother street i remember smiling at the cop and saying goodbye, and her telling me how she sells German shepards and I should take her card and call her if I needed one. I took the card but was unsure about it. The continued to walk down the street and I continued to walk back to my grandmothers. I noticed my mom and sister when I looked away form the cops going to my grandmothers house and I got immediately afraid and began to sprint towards them yelling "don't go in!!!!". When I caught up to them they was on the bottom step to the porch. I told my mom there was gun shits in the house after I left and she shouldn't go in. She still walked up the porch and opened the porch door. I grabbed her again and said we need to leave they still might be inside she looked at me and looked back at the cops who were still walking the dogs farther away up the street. When she opened the house door I pushed her against the wall and told her don't move the killer is still inside we need the cops. The dream brought me back to the street were the porch door closed by itself everybody was gone but me. When the porch door closed my grandfather was crucified to the porch door completely naked with a additional nail in his neck. He was mumbling something but I couldn't understand. There was writing all around him but I couldn't read. I was staring and then I woke up huffing and puffing. Thank you for reading and I hope you can help me figure out what this means. I don't dream and this was very strange.

I had a dream that I bumped

I had a dream that I bumped into one of my favorite musicians, and she was jokingly playing tag with the people she was with and then when she was leaving them and walked past me I yelled Tag your it at her and she started a conversation with me, telling me how funny I was and that she wanted to hang out so she asked for my cell phone number, and I started telling her it, but she wasn’t writing it down or putting it in her phone. Finally she pulls out her phone but someone else came by and said something to her and distracted her. Then she kind of put off getting my cell phone number. Then I walked away because she seemed too busy with this other person.