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I am single and unmarried. I had

I am single and unmarried. I had a dream of giving birth to a baby boy who look like my ex boyfriend. I saw myself in a labour room and a doctor hand over me a baby boy. I looked at him and started to love him with tears of happiness in my eyes. I just can't believe Its my baby I am holding and at the very moment I was saying he looks like his father meaning it to my ex boyfriend. My baby was sleeping and he looks so adoreable. Later I saw that my baby is crying to be feed and I am complaining to my other sister about my another sister that the way she kept my son could kill him. I took him out of that situation and checked he is breathing or not and then I started to feed my baby and I was loving him a lot and crying in happiness to have him in my life.

I dreamed that i went to some

I dreamed that i went to some place and as i was coming back home i was attacked by robbers who took my purse. after taking my purse one of them wanted to rape me so i pleaded and then he stopped. he started asking me questions and all of a sudden he pulled out a gun and shot me through my head but i was breathing whiles lying down .In some minutes i felt his hand moving around my body and he was saying you will be revived, you will be fine. when i became conscious, i saw all the robbers gathered around me and they had pity on so one of them asked if he can give me his complementary card but i said no. there was another one who warned me not to inform the police.one of them also ask them to bring my purse because they have taken lots of bags and other things.he brought mine and i woke up in real life. am very scared.

I had a dream I was at

I had a dream I was at work and my mother facetimed me, she was frantic and said my son had been stung by bees, I told her to bring him to the hospital and than she started crawling away, I saw my son struggling to breath and swelling up, I screamed at her to call 911 and I woke up

I dreamt there was like this drunk

I dreamt there was like this drunk homeless guy (he was carrying a alcohol bottle with him) and my mom told me not to go out there but I saw that outside in the front yard and my brothers gf was out there and he was yelling at her and so i went out and told him to leave and he got pissed and smashed the bottle and hit my brothers gf a few times and i dont know why but i stood still and he came right at me and started to strangle me and I couldn't breathe

I was walking around Neverland, but it

I was walking around Neverland, but it was a town, and it had houses and banks and stuff. All the lost boys were gone, but I some how knew pan and I missed him so I wanted to try and find him. I couldn't find him as we walked around a naborhood with my family (mom, brother, aunt, all four cousins) and I heard my mom whispering to my aunt talking about how there was said to be a powerful being trapped in one of the houses. I saw the biggest house and remembered something-I don't know what I remembered- and I rushed towards it. I opened the door and ran to the living room which was the center of the house and look around trying to find a hidden jail cell or something. I look close to the front of the room and there's a ledge with what looks to be a door. I ran to it and tried to open it, but then I heard my mom yelling not to go see him. I kept trying to get it open then I saw a twisty switch- you know the ones that you use for a hose- and I twisted it. I stepped back expecting pan to appear, but he didn't. I walked closer and breathed in the gas that was released and I fell to the ground unconscious. Everything goes black then little by little my vision comes back, but I'm not where I used to be. I stand up and look around then pan appears. And I run up and try to hug him, but he steps back making me realize he's till mist and not really there even though he is. He told me that I shouldn't had come because my mom will get me in trouble, and how he wasn't worth it. I denied it all and we just sat and talk for hours, but when the gas wore off a bright white flash covered my eyes and I ameditaly back on the floor of the house, not understanding what had just happened, and why I wasn't talk to pan anymore. I run back to my house seeing as it was late outside. My dad was home and asked where I was, and I said i was out with a friend and he let me go to bed. The next day I wake up around noon, and jump out of bed all ready for the day. I rush downstairs and storm through the door eager to see pan again. I run through our yard and cut straight the middle of "town" to get to his house. I run up his yard and rush into his house. Slide into my knees and turn the switch. Still on the ground I take a deep breath and loss consciousness again. We talk for every again and I wake up the same way. I flop onto my back think about how much trouble I'm going to be in, then I stand up walk out and lock the door so no one can hurt the gas thingy. The rest of the day I run through the woods with my cousins and mom and aunt. Around linner time my family walks around the neighborhood and I ask to stop and look at the house that pan "lives" in they let me and tease me for likening a monster like pan. I shake my head shyly and walk in through the back door-through the door next to the garage. I repeat the process as before, but this time while I'm talking to pan I her my moms voice saying. "I'm going to set this[an alarm clock] up so she will wake up and never be able to go see HIM again."

I was asleep in my dream and

I was asleep in my dream and woke up to find myself suffercating my 10 month old nephew who passed away from a genetic disease a year ago in real life I wojke to his last breath

I see myself diving into the deep

I see myself diving into the deep section of a clear swimming pool. As I go down and move through the water, it turns into a black cloud around me. Once I stop moving I feel I am under the water drowning. I realize I need to get to the surface, and feel myself moving up very fast, but everything is black around me. I wake up as soon as I break the surface and I am completely out of breath, as though I am choking.

I was at lake mead on a

I was at lake mead on a wood dock. Everybody was in the water so I thought I would jump in. The next thing I remember I was under the water it was very clear just a little murky. I could breathe the next thing I am cover in leeches and can feel sharp pains where there biting. Then I'm back on the dock picking and peeling them off. Once I pull the last one. I am trying to get off the dock, but I can't. There is a building that I can jump too but the only area looks to be a small box like room. I look down at the beach sand between me and the building and there are yellow and black alligators covering the sand. I jump and land in the box that then turns into like a church. The preacher is talking about there child that has no arms or legs. She is connected to like a swing and then begins to swing above us. We are then taken out of the room into a hallway that turns into a block party where I can't find my youngest child. I find him behind a door where there are stairs leading down that he is climbing up. I go to get him and then I am back in the parking lot looking for my car and wanting to find a place to get food.