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I saw myself to give birth to

I saw myself to give birth to a kittens. they all came to existance through my legs.They were dozens of cat`s which i gave birth.

To dream of my mother legs being

To dream of my mother legs being broken both and the kids kux klan being blamed people yelling their name blaming them

My son got into a fight with

My son got into a fight with 2 guys at a mall he was bruised someone stoled my car my legs were broke both of them the we slid into a ditch on a small side road and got hurt my son carried me we were both unconsciuos and we say people ask if we needed help they started screaming the kkkk did it their comjng

I was going down the alley way

I was going down the alley way at the nfr and on the way to first barrel my horse fell and broke his legs and we had to put him down in the arena

I am running through a neighborhood full

I am running through a neighborhood full of houses that all look the same. There is a really tall person following me with some type of weapon that he keeps hitting me on the back with. Everytime he hits me, my legs become slow, like the feeling of trying to run through water. As I run through the neighborhood, I knock on doors asking for help but no one answers in time so I must keep running. As I approach the last house on the block the door opens and its Barack Obama. He invites me inside, and I end up living with them.

I was standing on a street sidewalk.

I was standing on a street sidewalk. i watched 4 men come down a alley and enter a building. i went in behind them we all went to the back of this building. it was like a storage area n meeting place.in the back there was a little window and a long shelf against the wall. one of the guys was like we got to get out of here. quickly we all went to the same door we came in 3 guys were ahead of me one was behind me. i turned and looked at the guy behind me i knew he was not going to make it out. the building then blew up. next thing i know im flying in the sky above a highway. there was a accident on the road me and i guess the guy who blew up with me are standing now at this accident scene. there are 3 people laying on the road side by side. a man a woman and a child. the child had no arms or legs and had been stabbed in the stomach multiple times. he was not dead. he started to cough. the guy i was with picked up the child ran him across this 4 lane highway and entered a small white building.

You had to be with a mother

You had to be with a mother figure or an item that showed you were a child in order to live. You were trapped in a nursing home type place and phones were not usable. You couldn’t escape. I went to a play that they held there at this hospital and pretended to be an extra in it, and attempted escape but was brought back. Then the woman told me I was the sacred deer. She then made me watch an amputation of a woman’s legs and I was shut back in the big room with everyone. If the bells rang and you were not with your mother or an item that showed your innocence you were killed.

I dreamed a brown butterfly flying infornt

I dreamed a brown butterfly flying infornt of my feet/legs while i was walking inside my house & it had fire light flicking infront of its face like a fire fly all of a suuden it suddenly transformed/changed into a white pigeon/dove, it had a green colour stripe on its wings it sat on my couch, me, my dad & my dughter was amazed by its beauty. Wha is the meaning of my dream please?