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I was roller skating with people, no

I was roller skating with people, no one specific, in a city. We came to a bridge, and the gate came down as the bridge was about to go up. sitting on the road in front of me was a woman and a 2 or 3 year old, wearing winter coats. As the bridge started to go up, the road separated (as it should do ) and the baby fell backwards into the water. The woman tried to grab the baby and missed, so she jumped into the water. I watched, debating whether to jump in or not, don't think I did jump in--then I woke up. I only saw the backs of the people so no idea who they were.

I was wearing a light sky blue

I was wearing a light sky blue coat but was interested more in some heavy winter coats which were kept hanging there.

Paratroopers are falling from the sky i

Paratroopers are falling from the sky i realize it is an invasion then cut scene. my dad and i are hiding he says wait here and runs off. then a shotgun comes around the corner and i grab it. as i grab it burns my hand. after words i proceed to pick up a heavy machine gun and shoot at the man ciming towards me. he looks at me smiles and says that it doesn't hurt. the scene cuts again and a goats head gets cut off and thrown in a bee hive like tunnel and i zoom out and dozens of cones like filled with goats heads. the scene cuts again and a child picks one ofd the heads and asks if it can be reattached and i say no its either the head or a toy. this is all i can remember.

I was on holiday with family and

I was on holiday with family and we were on a boat... Things happened with the foreign army and they started shooting at everyone. There were about 7 massive boats.. They came shooting in planes and then the English army came but were forced to shoot at the English. I thought I didn't wanna to drown or be killed so I made a run for it ran up the hill and got shot in the back 3 times... I made a full recovery

I dreamed I live in a home

I dreamed I live in a home surrounded by water. People were on the water in boats and some were swimming. I could look out and see water all around.