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I had a dream that I was

I had a dream that I was at a company picnic and I was sitting with a coworker whom is a male and I got his name tattooed on my back.

I was sitting on small hill having

I was sitting on small hill having a peaceful picnic with friends when we realized the hill was surrounded by lions. Immediately I stood up and made myself large, as if to threaten the lions away. I roared like a lion believing the lions would retreat. Most of them did but one of them, a large lion came towards me roaring and bearing its teeth. I fought with the lion, my only weapon a ragged doll or a small soft object of some sort. The battle took awhile, making me exhausted but after I continued to spread my arms out, roaring and hitting the lion in the head it finally retreated. I fought with the lion and I won.

At a picnic with my boyfriends family,

At a picnic with my boyfriends family, he got mad told me to leave find my own way home, all my teeth were falling out till they were all out, nobody would help me

I am in my parent's front yard

I am in my parent's front yard having sex on a picnic table with a very handsome man who I do not know. We run to separate outdoor showers to hide from my family and clean up to meet again later. When we finally meet again we are at something that looks like a ball or some kind of ceremony with very tall chairs and tables made of out white stone. I find out then that he is very wealthy. The unknown man tells me he loves me and we plan to get married.