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Someone gives me money in my dreams

Someone gives me money in my dreams my ex boyfriend was giving me money and like we are now liking each other again,seeing together in public places and I was with all his relatives.

I dreamt about my grandmother who has

I dreamt about my grandmother who has been dead for over five years. Other realtives and friends aswell was in the dream. We were celebrating my grandmothers birtday or something, and we all were at some sort of public swimming pool with lots of really large water slides. Me and all my friends and relatives, including my grandma, were going down the water slide. Everybody was having a great time, but I remember worrying a bit about my grandmother, since she was 108 years old I think in the dream. All of this happened during night time, or at least it was dark.

My family decided to take a trip

My family decided to take a trip to Chicago, Illinois, to see my relatives. We had taken my Mom’s black mercedes and the sky were turning black. There looked like there was going to a big storm coming. We then we turned on the radio to listen to some music. The radio said that there will be a storm where we were. My family kept on driving though, and I just put head phones in, to listen to music. I then closed my eyes and then when I opened them there was a huge tornado in the distance. There was also a lot of lighting bolts shooting across the sky. The noise was very loud, and one of the lighting bolts hit in front of the car, with blinding light and a loud crackling sound. We then swerved off the road, and then drove into the tornado. My family then, still inside the car, got carried up to the top of the tornado. Then I jumped out of the back seat window and then I was falling for what seem to be forever. Then right before I hit the ground, I woke up.

I had a dream where i was

I had a dream where i was watching a car drive by fast and saw it was my mom and dad and a few other relatives my mother however has passed away 8 months ago she was driving and slid off the road and the car flipped everyone was ok but i had to help pull my dad out to safety

The first time I dreamed giving money,specifically

The first time I dreamed giving money,specifically coing to a young poor child. The second time I dreamed I was at a gathering and one of my relatives who died long time ago was there. The third time I dreamed I was hungry and my mom gave me a muffin she bought from a shop but it looks like we were travelling together.