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Ok I had a dream my husband

Ok I had a dream my husband and his ex wife We’re sitting at a table talking he held her hand than wrote something down and she said that’s beautiful I am getting that tattoo on my hand. I when to him and we argue and I slam the door somehow I hit his head and he went down and he was bleeding from his head than I woke up

Ok I had a dream my husband

Ok I had a dream my husband and his ex the mother of his children. We’re sitting at a table talking he held her hand than wrote something down and she said that’s beautiful I am getting that tattoo on my hand. I when to him and we argue and I slam the door somehow I hit his head and he went down and he was bleeding from his head than I woke up

So I was at the Ralph with

So I was at the Ralph with my family for a wrestling tournament and me and my mom couldn’t find my dad and brothers and we were leaving and all of the sudden pirates from pirates of the carribean come swinging down on ropes out of nowhere. I told my mom that we need to wait for the boys but she said we didn’t have time so we ran out to our old white van.

"Our fans, I understand your disappointment. We're

"Our fans, I understand your disappointment. We're right there with you," McCarthy said. Later, he added, "We're going to create another opportunity to build the best football team that we can in 2015, and we're going to go for it." It was also a glimpse at how Wholesale Jerseys For Sale effective this defense could be. "(He) asked me if I was OK, put his hand on my shoulder, Babe Ruth Jersey told me he'd been through this death thing before," she said, adding that he told her it would get better with time. Hernandez's father died when he was a teenager. Something had changed. Boldin, who spent three years in Baltimore, said Smith and Webb know him as well as anyone, and that they shared a lot of information over the years. Sunday will mark the first time they will face off against each other as opponents. The last time the teams met, the Ravens beat the 49ers, 34-31, to win the 2013 Super Bowl and Boldin, along with 49ers receiver Torrey Smith, was on the winning side.

A chinese woman sat in front of

A chinese woman sat in front of me. she was a stranger, but we started chatting. i enjoyed her company and found her easy to talk to. she began giving me a facial and gave me advice on something that i must do right away. it was very urgent. it could not wait. she said it would change my life. i felt some sort of emotional barrier around me began to fall. she began putting honey on my face and urged me to do this one thing, which i cannot remember. i began rubbing granular honey on my hands, entwining them with hers as she rubbed with just the right pressure. the energy level increased. i understood what she was trying to say. i needed to get up now and do this one thing right away, no matter the cost. i woke up.

I had a drea 3 nights ago

I had a drea 3 nights ago , I was driving in a street were I lived when I was a child, it was my aunty's house, when I arrived there was a white van outside, next thing I'm in the hallway of the house andi could notice a big decoration of the property going on, as I walked past the first, I continued to the parlour room and I could see my wifes auntie sitting in the kitchen, she died last year about 5 months ago, I shouted winnie, alright winnie and she never replied which was typical of her as he was slightly deaf, I nudge her and said hi winniw, and she said hi john, she was looking the opposite way to the window which I found mad? the next thing I'm sitting on a sette in the parlour and winnie comes in and stands in front of me pouts her bum aganst me and bends towards the fire with a tape measure, so I said ill do that winnie, the next thing winnie was behind my back on the couch like a nutcracker soldier,stiif as a board? and I had a pen and paer in my hand, written on the paper was a row of unreadable words and the second row it had 2 unreadable words is Sylvia 2 more unreadable words miss my family? now Sylvia is my mother in law winnies sister in law, and they were ver y close and lived opposite each other

In my dream there was a young

In my dream there was a young woman who looked like me in old clothes from like 1864, and she looked at me and kept saying "Charlotte" over and over again. Then she started walking into the wood where we were to an area nwith what looks to be an old burned down building The she said "Help me and salem" over and over again until i woke up

Thought about a girl being in distress,

Thought about a girl being in distress, she said i liked her wanted me to help her, so i did and she say with me the rest of the night head on my shoulder

My ex girlfriend was at her sisters.

My ex girlfriend was at her sisters. I was hanging out with the guys. I stopped by to see her. I could tell something was wrong. I asked her about it. She said everything was fine. After pressuring her she finally said she was stressed. I hugged her. She smiled. I told her it would all be ok

Was sitting in a large room, there

Was sitting in a large room, there was alot of people in the room which had a white floor, every one was talking and joking around. a old friend approached me and sat a large brown bag down next to me. she said there was 3 gifts in it for me. the first gift i opened i just knew was a switch blade n it was,someone said oh wow nice a switch blade i always wanted a stiletto. i replied i have a stiletto. the second gift was a unique am fm radio, the third idk what it was